首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education >No time for nostalgia!: asylum-making, medicalized colonialism in British Columbia (1859-97) and artistic praxis for social transformation

No time for nostalgia!: asylum-making, medicalized colonialism in British Columbia (1859-97) and artistic praxis for social transformation


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This article asks: How have disability, indigenous arts and cultural praxis transformed and challenged the historical sociological archival research into relationships among asylum-making, medicalized colonialism and eugenics in the Woodlands School, formerly the Victoria Lunatic Asylum, the Provincial Asylum for the Insane in Victoria, BC 1859-72 and the Public Hospital for the Insane, (herein, PHI) and most recently, the Woodlands School in New Westminster, British Columbia (1878-1996)? How can the experiences of 'patients' often silenced or suppressed in archival historical sociology and in official institutional records be re-claimed through the textual analysis of official documents, the arts, oral history, and community engagement? The article unearths the unexplored dimensions of medicalized colonialism in the first critical shift - from 1859-97 - from a minimal juridical state in which magistrates and judges determined the processes of commitment to one in which medical authorities as colonial administrators had greater control over PHI than in previous years. Through a textual analysis of clinical case records, patient files, legislation, colonial medical administrators' correspondence, and the records of the first Royal Commission Public Inquiry in 1894 into the abuses and deaths of patients at PHI, the research reveals the fissures within the discourses of colonial medical administrators and staff within the emerging medical-juridical apparatus. Gaps, silences, or truths untold in the official records are then counter-posed with insights gleaned from the art of First Nations, Secwepemc Tania Willard, oral historical work with Qayayt First Nations, Rhonda Larabee, on whose grandfather's land the Woodlands School was built, key reports from the independent community living, de-institutionalization, self-advocacy movements, confirming the systemic physical, emotional, and sexual abuses that went on at Woodlands, as well as with the testimonial narratives of the self-advocate survivors of Woodlands in their documentary film, From the Inside/Out! Analyzed relationally, these sources provide a richer understanding of the links between the disturbing past of PHI and the present legal struggles pertaining to Woodlands. Disability and indigenous studies are shown to challenge and transform ableist normalizing medicalized colonialism and its pastoral educational sociology. The article concludes that no time is a time for nostalgia about Woodlands or such related total institutions.
机译:本文问:残疾,土著艺术和文化实践如何转变和挑战了历史社会学档案研究,使之成为林地学校(以前是维多利亚州疯人院,安大略省疯人院)的避难所,医学殖民主义和优生学之间的关系。公元前1859-72年的维多利亚州和疯人病公立医院(以下简称PHI),以及最近的不列颠哥伦比亚省新威斯敏斯特的伍德兰兹学校(1878-1996年)?如何通过对正式文件,艺术,口述历史和社区参与的文本分析来恢复在档案历史社会学和官方机构记录中经常被沉默或压制的“患者”的经历?这篇文章揭示了从1859年至97年的第一个关键转变中医学殖民主义的未曾探索的层面,从一个最小的司法状态开始,在此状态中,地方法官和法官确定了对一个殖民地行政管理者对PHI的控制权大于对PHI的控制权的审判过程。往年。通过对临床病例记录,患者档案,立法,殖民地医疗管理人员的书信以及1894年第一次皇家委员会关于PHI在患者体内的虐待和死亡的公开调查的记录进行文本分析,该研究揭示了话语中的裂痕新兴的医疗司法机构中的殖民地医疗管理人员和工作人员。然后,将官方记录中未说明的空白,沉默或真相与原住民塞科维佩姆·塔尼亚·威拉德(Secwepemc Tania Willard)的艺术见解相提并论,他与Qayayt原住民朗达·拉拉比(Rayada Larabee)进行口述历史工作,在其祖父的土地上建造了兀兰学校,来自独立社区的生活,去机构化,自我倡导运动的重要报告,证实了伍德兰兹发生的系统性身体,情感和性虐待,以及伍德兰兹自我提倡的幸存者的见证叙述他们的纪录片《从里到外》!经过相关分析,这些资料使人们更加了解PHI令人不安的过去与目前与林地有关的法律斗争之间的联系。残疾和土著研究被证明挑战和转变了使医学化殖民主义及其牧民教育社会学规范化的能力主义者。文章得出的结论是,没有时间可以怀念伍德兰兹或类似的整体机构了。



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