首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Public Opinion Research >Testing Fear of Isolation as a Causal Mechanism: Spiral of Silence and Genetically Modified (GM) Foods in South Korea

Testing Fear of Isolation as a Causal Mechanism: Spiral of Silence and Genetically Modified (GM) Foods in South Korea


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Using the issue of genetically modified foods in South Korea, this study examines the role of fear of isolation in the spiral of silence process. Findings provided support for the conformity hypothesis. As the spiral of silence predicts, there were small but statistically significant relationships between respondents’ perceptions of opinion climates and their willingness to talk in public about genetically modified (GM) foods. Findings also supported the idea that fear of isolation is a causal mechanism that links perceived opinion climates to opinion expression. One’s fear of isolation, as a personality trait, was related negatively to his or her willingness to speak out. Evidence also suggested that the influence of opinion climates was greater among those who had a greater fear of isolation in general. Implications of the findings are discussed in detail.


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