首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Project Management >The impacts of charismatic leadership style on team cohesiveness and overall performance during ERP implementation

The impacts of charismatic leadership style on team cohesiveness and overall performance during ERP implementation


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Though several key enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation factors, including top management commitment and support, change management, and consultants' support haven been broadly discussed in literature, other factors such as leadership style and team cohesiveness have recently received more attention in technical project implementation [Thite M. Leadership styles in information technology projects. International Journal of Project Management 2000:18;235-41; Jiang JJ, Klein G, Chenoun-Gee H. The relative influence of IS project implementation policies and project leadership on eventual outcomes. Project Management Journal 2001;32(3):49-55]. The charismatic leadership style has often been adopted by organizational leaders, primarily in Asian countries including Taiwan. The present study, based upon the team leadership theory proposed by Zaccaro, Rittman, and Marks [The sociology of religion [Transl. Ephraim Fischoff]. Boston: Beacon Press; 1963], serves as an initial step towards understanding the impacts of charismatic leadership style on ERP implementation. Three-hundred companies listed in the "Top 500 of The Largest Corporations in Taiwan 2001," that have implemented ERP systems, were surveyed. The results confirm that leaders should demonstrate more charismatic behaviors to establish the ERP project team members' cohesiveness and, thus, improve team performance. The positive relationship between team cohesiveness and overall team performance was also statistically supported. Implications on future study are discussed.
机译:尽管在文献中尚未广泛讨论几个关键的企业资源计划(ERP)实施因素,包括最高管理者的承诺和支持,变更管理和顾问的支持,但其他因素(例如领导风格和团队凝聚力)最近在技术项目中受到了更多关注。实施[信息技术项目中的M.领导风格。国际项目管理杂志2000:18; 235-41; Jiang JJ,Klein G,Chenoun-GeeH。信息系统项目实施政策和项目领导对最终结果的相对影响。 Project Management Journal 2001; 32(3):49-55]。具有魅力的领导风格通常被组织领导者采用,主要是在包括台湾在内的亚洲国家。本研究基于Zaccaro,Rittman和Marks提出的团队领导理论[宗教的社会学[Transl。 Ephraim Fischoff]。波士顿:信标出版社; [1963],这是迈向了解魅力型领导风格对ERP实施的影响的第一步。对实施ERP系统的“ 2001年台湾最大企业500强”中列出的300家公司进行了调查。结果表明,领导者应表现出更多的超凡魅力行为,以建立ERP项目团队成员的凝聚力,从而提高团队绩效。团队凝聚力与整体团队绩效之间的正相关关系也得到了统计支持。讨论了对未来研究的影响。



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