首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations >An effective performance of dynamic and ad-hoc on-demand routing protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks under NS environment

An effective performance of dynamic and ad-hoc on-demand routing protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks under NS environment


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Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a popular emerging wireless network and plays vital role to maintain the routing demands in wireless network. AODV and DYMO are on-demand routing protocols that was designed to meet various needs of MANET such as security, mobility, flexibility etc. IETF listed on-demand routing protocols in a varying speed of nodes, mobility, and performance metrics. In this paper, we discussed behaviour of the two main on-demand routing protocols in network simulation environment, while sending packets from source to destination under free space and two ray propagation models by varying packet rate. We analysed the performance metrics of MANET in the following heading; average jitter, average end-to-end delay, packet delivery ratio, and throughput are compared with percentage of nodes packet drops.
机译:移动临时网络(MANET)是一种流行的新兴无线网络,并扮演重要的角色来维持无线网络中的路由需求。 AODV和Dymo是按需的路由协议,旨在满足MANET的各种需求,例如安全性,移动性,灵活性等。IETF以不同的节点,移动性和性能指标列出的路由协议。在本文中,我们讨论了网络仿真环境中两个主要点按路由协议的行为,同时通过不同的数据包速率将来自源到目的地的数据包发送到目的地。我们在以下标题中分析了MANET的性能指标;将平均抖动,平均端到端延迟,分组传递比率和吞吐量与节点数据包滴的百分比进行比较。



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