首页> 外文期刊>International journal of multicriteria decision making >A hierarchical and fuzzy competitiveness evaluation methodoloav based on DEA

A hierarchical and fuzzy competitiveness evaluation methodoloav based on DEA


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In this paper, we present a fuzzy multi-criteria methodology for measuring the competitiveness of heterogeneous firms in an economy where several competitiveness indicators are considered ambiguous or fuzzy. We homogenise the companies into groups to better address their specificities enabling a better identification and definition of the comparison criteria in each specific grouping. In this context, the competitiveness of a company in an economy was seen as the composite of its competitiveness in its sector with that of its sector in this economy. The methodology, in two phases, consists in determining, first, the fuzzy performances and indices of competitiveness of companies and sectors in their groups using the DEA approach; then, examining the fuzzy indices of competitiveness of these companies in the economy. We illustrate the methodology in the competitiveness measurement of several companies from different sectors in an economy and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.



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