首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Lifelong Education >Martin Buber's philosophy of education and its implications for adult non-formal education

Martin Buber's philosophy of education and its implications for adult non-formal education

机译:马丁·布伯(Martin Buber)的教育理念及其对成人非正规教育的启示

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The Jewish philosopher and educator Martin Buber (1878-1965) is considered one of the twentieth century's greatest contributors to the philosophy of religion and is also recognized as the pre-eminent scholar of Hasidism. He has also attracted considerable attention as a philosopher of education. However, most commentaries on this aspect of his work have focussed on the implications of his philosophy for formal education and for the education of the child. Given that much of Buber's philosophy is based on dialogue, on community and on mutuality, it is puzzling that relatively little has been written on the implications of Buber's thought for the theory and practice of non-formal adult education. The article provides a discussion of the philosophy underpinning this aspect of Martin Buber's life and work, and its implications for adult non-formal education.
机译:犹太哲学家和教育家马丁·布伯(Martin Buber,1878-1965年)被认为是20世纪对宗教哲学的最大贡献者之一,并且被公认为是Hasidism的杰出学者。作为教育哲学家,他也引起了相当多的关注。但是,关于他的工作这一方面的大多数评论都集中在他的哲学对正规教育和对儿童教育的影响上。鉴于Buber的大部分哲学都是基于对话,社区和相互关系,因此令人困惑的是,关于Buber的思想对非正规成人教育的理论和实践的影响的文献很少。本文讨论了马丁·布伯(Martin Buber)生活和工作的这一方面的基础哲学及其对成人非正规教育的影响。



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