
Personalized Hybrid Book Recommender


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Personalized Recommendation Systems (RS) provide end users with suggestions about items that are likely to be of their interest based on users' details such as demographics, location, time, and emotion. In this article, a Personalized Hybrid Book Recommender (PHyBR) is presented, which integrates personality traits with users' demographic data and geographical location to improve the quality of recommendations. The Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) was used to determine users' personality traits. PHyBR was evaluated using two metrics, that are, Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA). Both metrics revealed PHyBR outperforms the baseline models (without considering personality traits and geographical location factor) in terms of the recommendation accuracies. This study shows that users who are in the same geographical contexts intend to have similar preferences. Therefore, users' personality details along with their geographical locations can be used to provide improved personalized recommendations.
机译:个性化推荐系统(RS)根据用户的详细信息(如人口统计,位置,时间和情感)为最终用户提供有关他们可能感兴趣的项目的建议。本文介绍了一种个性化混合推荐书(PHyBR),该书将个性特征与用户的人口统计数据和地理位置相集成,以提高推荐质量。十项个性清单(TIPI)用于确定用户的个性特征。 PHyBR使用两个指标进行评估,即标准化均方根残差(SRMR)和均方根均方根误差(RMSEA)。两项指标均显示,在推荐准确性方面,PHyBR的性能优于基准模型(不考虑人格特征和地理位置因素)。这项研究表明,处于相同地理环境中的用户倾向于具有相似的偏好。因此,用户的个性详细信息及其地理位置可用于提供改进的个性化推荐。



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