首页> 外文期刊>International journal of imaging systems and technology >Face Recognition Based on Face-Specific Subspace

Face Recognition Based on Face-Specific Subspace


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In this article, we present an individual appearance model based method, named face-specific subspace (FSS), for recognizing human faces under variation in lighting, expression, and viewpoint. This method derives from the traditional Eigenface but differs from it in essence. In Eigenface, each face image is represented as a point in a low-dimensional face subspace shared by all faces; however, the experiments conducted show one of the demerits of such a strategy: it fails to accurately represent the most discrimi-nanting features of a specific face. Therefore, we propose to model each face with one individual face subspace, named Face-Specific Subspace. Distance from the face-specific subspace, that is, the reconstruction error, is then exploited as the similarity measurement for identification. Furthermore, to enable the proposed approach to solve the single example problem, a technique to derive multisamples from one single example is further developed. Extensive experiments on several academic databases show that our method significantly outperforms Eigenface and template matching, which intensively indicates its robustness under variation in illumination, expression, and viewpoint.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种基于个体外观模型的方法,称为面部特定子空间(FSS),用于识别光照,表情和视点变化下的人脸。该方法源自传统的特征脸,但本质上与之不同。在特征脸中,每个脸部图像都表示为所有脸部共享的低维脸部子空间中的一个点;但是,进行的实验表明了这种策略的缺点之一:它无法准确地代表特定面孔最具有歧视性的特征。因此,我们建议使用一个名为Face-Specific Subspace的单独人脸子空间为每个人脸建模。然后,将与面部特定子空间的距离(即重建误差)用作相似度度量进行识别。此外,为了使所提出的方法能够解决单个实例的问题,进一步开发了一种从一个单个实例导出多样本的技术。在多个学术数据库上进行的大量实验表明,我们的方法明显优于特征脸和模板匹配,这强烈表明了其在光照,表情和视点变化下的鲁棒性。



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