首页> 外文期刊>International journal of imaging systems and technology >The usefulness of diffusion-weighted readout-segmented EPI and fast spin echo with BLADE (PROPELLER) k-space sampling: A comparison with single-shot EPI for diffusion-weighted imaging in ischemic stroke patients

The usefulness of diffusion-weighted readout-segmented EPI and fast spin echo with BLADE (PROPELLER) k-space sampling: A comparison with single-shot EPI for diffusion-weighted imaging in ischemic stroke patients


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We evaluated the value of diffusion-weighted readout-segmented EPI (DW rs-EPI) and diffusion-weighted fast spin echo images with BLADE (PROPELLER) k-space sampling (DW BLADE) in patients with ischemic stroke through intra-individual comparisons with diffusion-weighted single-shot EPI (DW ss-EPI). Forty-four patients with acute ischemic stroke who had undergone three different types of diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) (b=1000 s/mm(2)) were included. Two reviewers assessed the three types of DWI for diagnostic confidence based on a five-point confidence score (CS). The inter- and intra-observer agreements for the CS were assessed. The DWI signal ratio to the contralateral normal area and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of DWI lesions were compared. The CSs of the three DWI methods were significantly different (P<0.001). A post hoc analysis showed a significantly higher CS with DW rs-EPI than with DW ss-EPI (P=0.022). There were significant increases in the CSs for DW rs-EPI compared to DW ss-EPI, for patients who underwent DWI within 24 h of symptom onset, and for patients with DWI lesions50 mm(2). The inter-observer and intra-observer agreements of the CS were good. DW rs-EPI increased the diagnostic confidence of ischemic stroke compared to DW ss-EPI, particularly for patients with small lesions and for those who underwent DWI within 24 h of symptom onset. DW BLADE showed a similar level of diagnostic confidence to DW ss-EPI. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 26, 216-224, 2016
机译:我们通过个体内比较,评估了缺血性卒中患者的BLADE(PROPELLER)k空间采样(DW BLADE)扩散加权读出分段EPI(DW rs-EPI)和扩散加权快速自旋回波图像的价值。扩散加权单发EPI(DW ss-EPI)。包括44例经历了三种不同类型的弥散加权成像(DWI)(b = 1000 s / mm(2))的急性缺血性中风患者。两名评论者根据五分置信度评分(CS)评估了三种DWI的诊断置信度。评估了CS的观察员之间和观察员内部协议。比较DWI对侧正常面积的DWI信号比率和DWI病变的表观扩散系数(ADC)。三种DWI方法的CS差异显着(P <0.001)。事后分析显示,DW rs-EPI的CS显着高于DW ss-EPI(P = 0.022)。与DW ss-EPI,在症状发作后24小时内接受DWI的患者以及DWI损伤50 mm的患者相比,DW rs-EPI的CS显着增加。 CS的观察员之间和观察员内部协议是好的。与DW ss-EPI相比,DW rs-EPI增加了缺血性卒中的诊断置信度,特别是对于具有小病灶的患者和在症状发作后24小时内接受DWI的患者。 DW BLADE显示出与DW ss-EPI相似的诊断信心。 (c)2016 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.国际成像技术,2016年26月216-224日



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