首页> 外文期刊>International journal of entrepreneurship and innovation >The establishment strikes back? The life and times of Takafumi Horie

The establishment strikes back? The life and times of Takafumi Horie

机译:机构反击? umi江孝文的生平和时代

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This paper uses newspaper articles to construct an account of the meteoric rise and eventual fall from grace of Takafumi Horie, a Japanese Internet entrepreneur. This trajectory is explored through a qualitative methodology that analyses the content of articles in international newspapers reporting key events in Horie's story. Tracking the representation of Horie as the story develops uncovers the ambiguous nature of the concept of entrepreneurship in Japan, where the enactment of entrepreneurship takes place within and at times against the mainstream of significant change in the nature of work in Japan. The paper concludes by linking Horie's story to the temporal construction of the entrepreneur in a social context in which bureaucratic challenge leads eventually to entrepreneurial marginalization through the likelihood of a jail term. Overall, the paper adds to the literature concerning the mutable and contested nature of the term 'entrepreneur'.
机译:本文使用报纸上的文章来说明日本互联网企业家高aka孝江(Takafumi Horie)的风度上升和最终下降的情况。通过定性方法来探索这一轨迹,该方法可以分析国际报纸报道霍里故事中的关键事件的文章内容。随着故事的发展,追踪Horie的代表性,可以发现日本企业家精神概念的模棱两可性质,在日本,企业家精神的制定是在工作性质发生重大变化的主流之内,有时甚至是与之相反的。最后,本文将霍里的故事与社会背景下的企业家的时间结构联系起来,在这种社会背景下,官僚主义的挑战最终通过监禁的可能性导致了企业家的边缘化。总体而言,本文增加了有关“企业家”一词的可变性和争议性的文献。



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