首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Engineering Science >Nonlinear isotropic constitutive laws: choice of the three invariant, convex potential and constitutive inequalities

Nonlinear isotropic constitutive laws: choice of the three invariant, convex potential and constitutive inequalities


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The aim of this paper is new formulation of nonlinear isotropic constitutive laws. Our main hypothesis claims that the eigenvalues of stress and strain tensors are classified in the same order (the eigenvector associated to the highest eigenvalue of the stress tensor is also associated to the highest eigenvalue of the strain tensor, etc.). Further, we assume the existence of a differentiable convex isotropic potential. By introducing three new invariant for each tensor (called X. Y, Z for the stress tensor S and x, y, z for the strain tensor E) a constitutive law is revealed to be a simple duality between the chosen invariant: (x, y, z) and (X, Y, Z) look like Cartesian coordinates of E and S. We look at several potentials chosen as polynomials of these invariants. Finally, first and third order isotropic elasticity laws are reviewed and convexity of the potentials is discussed.
机译:本文的目的是提出非线性各向同性本构律的新公式。我们的主要假设声称,应力张量和应变张量的特征值以相同的顺序分类(与应力张量的最高特征值相关的特征向量也与应变张量的最高特征值相关,等等)。此外,我们假设存在可微分的凸各向同性势。通过为每个张量引入三个新的不变量(将应力张量S称为X. Y,Z,将应变张量E称为x,y,z),本构定律显示为所选不变量之间的简单对偶:(x, y,z)和(X,Y,Z)看起来像E和S的笛卡尔坐标。我们看一些被选为这些不变量多项式的电位。最后,回顾了一阶和三阶各向同性弹性定律,并讨论了电位的凸性。



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