首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications >A new approach to time-frequency analysis and pattern recognition of non-stationary power signal disturbances

A new approach to time-frequency analysis and pattern recognition of non-stationary power signal disturbances


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The paper presents a new approach to localize, detect and classify power signal disturbance problems using S-transforms (phase corrected wavelet transform) and a rule based expert system. The S-transform is an extension of the ideas of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and is based on a moving and scalable localizing gaussian window. This transform has some desirable characteristics that are absent in the continuous wavelet transform. The S-transform is unique in that it provides frequency-dependant resolution while maintaining a direct relationship with the Fourier spectrum. These advantages of the S-transform are due to the fact that the modulating sinusoids are fixed with respect to the time axis, whereas the localizing scalable gaussian window dilates and translates. Several power signal transient disturbances like voltage sag, voltage swell, flicker, harmonic distortions are taken for analysis using both S-transforms and wavelet transforms to prove the superiority of the former over the later. Automated classification software is developed using Artificial Intelligence technique like Expert Systems to provide very accurate identification of power quality events.
机译:本文提出了一种使用S变换(相位校正小波变换)和基于规则的专家系统对功率信号扰动问题进行定位,检测和分类的新方法。 S变换是连续小波变换(CWT)的思想的扩展,它基于可移动且可缩放的局部高斯窗口。这种变换具有连续小波变换所不具备的一些理想特性。 S变换的独特之处在于它提供了与频率有关的分辨率,同时又与傅立叶频谱保持直接关系。 S变换的这些优点是由于以下事实:调制正弦曲线相对于时间轴是固定的,而局部可缩放的高斯窗口却会膨胀和平移。使用S变换和小波变换对几种功率信号瞬态扰动(例如电压骤降,电压骤升,闪烁,谐波失真)进行了分析,以证明前者优于后者。自动化分类软件是使用诸如专家系统之类的人工智能技术开发的,可以非常准确地识别电能质量事件。



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