首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education >A project-based competitive learning scheme to teach mobile communications

A project-based competitive learning scheme to teach mobile communications


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This paper presents a project-based learning experience to teach mobile communications courses, carried out at Alcalá University, Madrid, Spain. The experience consists of a competition among teams formed by students, who act as consultant companies working for imaginary operators. The objective of the teams is to obtain the best network design and the most economical budget for an imaginary operator in the city of Alcalá de Henares. The proposed learning scheme uses existing concepts of different fields, such as the project-based or competitive games methodologies, and applies them to the teaching of telecommunications subjects. Details of the practical application of the methodology and results obtained at Alcalá University are discussed in this paper. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
机译:本文介绍了在西班牙马德里的Alcalá大学开展的基于项目的学习经验,以教授移动通信课程。经验包括由学生组成的团队之间的竞争,这些学生充当为虚构运营商工作的顾问公司。团队的目标是为Alcaláde Henares市的虚构运营商获得最佳的网络设计和最经济的预算。拟议的学习方案使用不同领域的现有概念,例如基于项目或竞争性游戏的方法,并将其应用于电信学科的教学。本文讨论了该方法的实际应用细节以及在阿尔卡拉大学获得的结果。 [出版物摘要]



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