首页> 外文期刊>The International Journal of Educational Management >Remote education vs traditional education based on effectiveness at the micro level and its connection to the level of development of macro-economic systems

Remote education vs traditional education based on effectiveness at the micro level and its connection to the level of development of macro-economic systems


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to verify the developed hypothesis on the basis of comparison of remote education and traditional education in terms of its effectiveness at the micro-level, as well as to determine the presence, degree and nature of correlation between the share of remote education and level of development of economic systems of separate states (macro-level). Design/methodology/approach - The methodologies of this paper are based on the system approach and include methods of research investigation such as problem, logical, comparative analysis, synthesis and formalization, as well as a purposely designed author's method of assessment of the effectiveness of remote education and traditional education. In addition to the specified methods, this methodology also includes the methods of correlation and regression analysis which are used by the authors to determine the presence and degree of correlation between the share of remote education and the state of macro-level economic systems. The authors have analyzed the correlation between the share of remote education in the higher education structure according to the summarized data of the ICEF Monitor and the existing studies and publications on this topic (y) with indicators of macro-level economic systems such as GDP, billions of dollars (x_1); GDP per capita (x_2); Education Index according to the United Nations Development Program (x_3); Knowledge Economy Index according to The World Bank Group (x_4); and the index of innovative development of socioeconomic systems according to INSEAD, WIPO and Cornell University (x_5). The econometric analysis of the mentioned factors was performed after that. Findings - The authors have come to conclusion that remote education is indeed much more effective at the micro-level, since it allows the students to receive similar educational services with greater convenience, a wider choice of higher educational institutions and at a lower cost compared to traditional education. At the same time, no negative influence of remote education on the macro-level economic system has been revealed; on the contrary, a positive, albeit slight, influence similar to traditional education has been found. For this reason, promotion of the formation and development of remote education is recommended instead of limitation, since it allows modernizing the educational system for the benefit of both supply and demand. Originality/value - The research contributes to the development of the concept of socioeconomic development of economic systems through clarification of influence of remote education on it.
机译:目的-本文的目的是在比较远程教育和传统教育在微观水平上的有效性的基础上,验证发达的假设,并确定远程教育与传统教育之间的相关性,程度和性质。远程教育所占的比例以及各个州经济体系的发展水平(宏观水平)。设计/方法/方法-本文的方法基于系统方法,包括问题,逻辑,比较分析,综合和形式化等研究调查方法,以及专门设计的作者评估方法有效性的方法。远程教育和传统教育。除了指定的方法外,该方法还包括相关性和回归分析方法,作者使用这些方法来确定远程教育所占份额与宏观经济系统的状态之间的存在和相关程度。作者根据ICEF Monitor的汇总数据以及关于该主题的现有研究和出版物(y),使用宏观经济体系的指标(例如GDP,十亿美元(x_1);人均GDP(x_2);根据联合国开发计划署的教育指数(x_3);根据世界银行集团的知识经济指数(x_4);以及INSEAD,WIPO和康奈尔大学(x_5)提出的社会经济系统创新发展指数。之后,对上述因素进行计量经济学分析。研究结果-作者得出的结论是,远程教育确实在微观层面上更加有效,因为与其他方式相比,远程教育使学生能够以更大的便利,更广泛的高等教育机构选择和更低的成本获得类似的教育服务。传统教育。同时,没有发现远程教育对宏观经济体系的负面影响;相反,已经发现了与传统教育类似的积极影响,尽管影响很小。因此,建议而不是限制地促进远程教育的形成和发展,因为它可以使教育系统现代化,从而满足供需双方的需求。独创性/价值-通过澄清远程教育对经济系统的社会经济发展的影响,该研究为该概念的发展做出了贡献。



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