首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Early Years Education >Relationships between children's drawing and accompanying peer interaction in teacher-initiated drawing sessions

Relationships between children's drawing and accompanying peer interaction in teacher-initiated drawing sessions


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In this article the author focuses on drawing-related interaction among 5-6-year-old children in two Year One classes in Norwegian primary schools as they engage in teacher-initiated learning activities involving drawing. Inspired in particular by Gunther Kress' semiotic perspective on drawing, the author presents four interaction categories to explore social aspects of young children's engagement in the process of forming visual-graphic signs that convey meaning. The author proposes that while the children's interaction can add support to the drawing process, it may also produce some risk for the children's confidence as drawers. It is the role of the practitioner to manage and facilitate interaction so that support is maximised and risk minimised.
机译:在本文中,作者主要研究挪威小学两年级的5-6岁儿童在绘画方面的互动,因为他们参与了教师发起的涉及绘画的学习活动。特别是受到冈瑟·克雷斯(Gunther Kress)的符号学绘画观点的启发,作者提出了四个互动类别,以探讨幼儿参与形成传达含义的视觉图形符号过程中的社交方面。作者认为,尽管孩子们的互动可以为绘画过程增加支持,但也可能给孩子作为抽屉的信心带来一些风险。从业者的职责是管理和促进互动,以使支持最大化,风险最小化。



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