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Machine annotation and retrieval for digital imagery of historical materials


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Annotating digital imagery of historical materials for the purpose of computer-based retrieval is a labor-intensive task for many historians and digital collection managers. We have explored the possibilities of automated annotation and retrieval of images from collections of art and cultural images. In this paper, we introduce the application of the ALIP (Automatic Linguistic Indexing of Pictures) system, developed at Penn State, to the problem of machine-assisted annotation of images of historical materials. The ALIP system learns the expertise of a human annotator on the basis of a small collection of annotated representative images. The learned knowledge about the domain-specific concepts is stored as a dictionary of statistical models in a computer-based knowledge base. When an un-annotated image is presented to ALIP, the system computes the statistical likelihood of the image resembling each of the learned statistical models and the best concept is selected to annotate the image. Experimental results, obtained using the Emperor image collection of the Chinese Memory Net project, are reported and discussed. The system has been trained using subsets of images and metadata from the Emperor collection. Finally, we introduce an integration of wavelet-based annotation and wavelet-based progressive displaying of very high resolution copyright-protected images.
机译:对于许多历史学家和数字馆藏管理者而言,注释历史资料的数字图像以进行基于计算机的检索是一项劳动密集型任务。我们探索了从艺术和文化图像集中自动注释和检索图像的可能性。在本文中,我们介绍了宾夕法尼亚州开发的ALIP(图片自动语言索引)系统在历史资料图像的机器辅助标注问题中的应用。 ALIP系统基于少量的带注释的代表性图像来学习人工注释者的专业知识。有关特定领域概念的学习知识作为统计模型的字典存储在基于计算机的知识库中。当将未注释的图像呈现给ALIP时,系统会计算图像的统计似然性,类似于每个学习的统计模型,并选择最佳概念来注释图像。报告并讨论了使用中文记忆网项目的Emperor图像收集获得的实验结果。该系统已使用来自Emperor集合的图像和元数据的子集进行了培训。最后,我们引入了基于小波的注释和基于小波的逐行显示的高分辨率高分辨率版权保护图像的集成。



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