首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining >Using TreeNet to Cross-sell Home Loans to Credit Card Holders

Using TreeNet to Cross-sell Home Loans to Credit Card Holders


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Today抯 credit card issuers are increasingly offering a broad range of products and services with separate lines of business responsible for different product groups. Too often, the separate lines of business operate independently and information available to one line of business may not be used productively by others. In this study, we examine the potential of using information from customers of multiple products to identify customers most likely to respond to cross-sell product offers. Specifically, we examine the potential for offering home loans to a population of credit card holders by studying individuals who do hold both a credit card and a mortgage with the card issuer. Using real world data provided to the 2007 PAKDD data mining competition, we employ Friedman抯 stochastic gradient boosting (MART? TreeNet?) for the rapid development of a high performance cross-sell predictive model.
机译:如今,信用卡发卡机构正越来越多地提供广泛的产品和服务,而不同的业务部门则负责不同的产品组。通常,单独的业务部门独立运作,并且一个业务部门可用的信息可能不会被其他业务部门有效地使用。在这项研究中,我们研究了使用来自多个产品的客户的信息来识别最有可能对交叉销售产品报价做出响应的客户的潜力。具体来说,我们通过与发卡机构同时持有信用卡和抵押的个人,研究了向大量信用卡持有人提供住房贷款的潜力。利用提供给2007 PAKDD数据挖掘竞赛的真实数据,我们使用Friedman抯随机梯度增强(MART?TreeNet?)来快速开发高性能的交叉销售预测模型。



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