首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Coal Geology >The geology, petrology, palynology and geochemistry of Permian coal basins in Tanzania: 2. Songwe-Kiwira Coalfield

The geology, petrology, palynology and geochemistry of Permian coal basins in Tanzania: 2. Songwe-Kiwira Coalfield

机译:坦桑尼亚二叠纪煤盆地的地质,岩石学,孢粉学和地球化学:2. Songwe-Kiwira Coalfield

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This study provides coal quality, petrological, palynological and geochemical (Rock Eval) data on Permian coal seams and associated shales and mudstones of the Karoo Supergroup of the Songwe-Kiwira Coalfield, Tanzania. The coal seams, which have a cumulative thickness of 6.80 m, occur in the shale-coal-sandstone facies of the Mchuchuma Formation of Artinskian to Kungurian(?) age. Coal quality data (calorific values, volatile matter contents) and vitrinite reflectances indicate high volatile C bituminous to high volatile A bituminous coals, having relatively high ash yields (22-49 wt.%) and highly variable sulphur contents (0.17-9.2 wt.%). They could be used to fuel small-scale power generation units thereby providing electricity to nearby towns and villages. Also, the coals could be used as a substitute for wood, which is becoming increasingly scarce. In rural Tanzania, charcoal is still the main energy source for cooking, and wood is used extensively in brick kilns and for making roofing tiles. Petrological analysis indicated that the coals are dominated by dull to banded dull lithotypes, with seams at the base of the Mchuchuma Formation enriched in inertinite macerals (up to 83 vol.%), whereas up-section vitrinite contents increase. Palynological analyses indicated that the assemblage in the lower Mchuchuma Formation (Scheuringipolleniles assemblage) is dominated by trilete spores, whereas in the remainder of the section, non-taeniate disaccates dominate (Scheuringipollenites-Protohaploxypinus assemblage). Facies critical macerals suggest for most seams a marsh/wet forest swamp depositional setting, which is consistent with the palynological data. Rock Eval analyses indicate type Ⅱ/Ⅲ kerogen, with Tmax (℃) values ranging from 426 to 440, corresponding to the early stage of hydrocarbon generation. Thermal Alteration Indices (2 to 2+) and vitrinite reflectance levels (0.60-0.83 Ro (%) support the Rock Eval maturity assessment, and despite the predominance of terrestrial-derived organic matter, there is evidence of oil generation and expulsion in the form of cavity and fracture filling exsudatinite.
机译:这项研究提供了坦桑尼亚Songwe-Kiwira煤田的Karoo超群的二叠纪煤层以及相关的页岩和泥岩的煤炭质量,岩石学,孢粉和地球化学(Rock Eval)数据。煤层的累积厚度为6.80 m,出现在阿廷斯基山至昆古里亚时代的页楚煤-砂岩相中。煤质数据(热值,挥发性物质含量)和镜质反射率表明,高挥发性C烟煤到高挥发性A烟煤具有较高的灰分产率(22-49 wt。%)和高度可变的硫含量(0.17-9.2 wt。 %)。它们可用于为小型发电设备提供燃料,从而为附近的城镇和村庄供电。而且,煤可以用作木材的替代品,木材正变得越来越稀缺。在坦桑尼亚农村,木炭仍然是烹饪的主要能源,木材被广泛用于砖窑和制造屋面瓦。岩石学分析表明,这些煤以钝性至带状钝性岩性类型为主,Mchuchuma组底部的煤层富含惰质黄铁矿(含量高达83%(体积)),而上层玻璃质体含量增加。孢粉学分析表明,下部Mchuchuma组的组合(Scheuringipolleniles组合)以三孢子孢子占主导,而在该部分的其余部分,非针叶状的不交配的组合(Scheuringipollenites-Protohaploxypinus组合)占主导。对于大多数接缝,重要的相岩相表明沼泽/湿润的森林沼泽沉积环境,这与孢粉学数据是一致的。岩石Eval分析表明为Ⅱ/Ⅲ型干酪根,其Tmax(℃)值在426至440之间,对应于生烃的早期阶段。热蚀变指数(2至2+)和镜质反射率水平(0.60-0.83 Ro(%)支持Rock Eval成熟度评估,尽管陆地来源的有机物占主导地位,但有证据表明油以这种形式产生和排出腔和骨折处充填渗出角铁。



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