首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of the Classical Tradition >Sickly Scholars and Healthy Novels: The Classical Scholar in Victorian Fiction

Sickly Scholars and Healthy Novels: The Classical Scholar in Victorian Fiction


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This paper argues that major nineteenth-century British novelists promote the novel as the dominant national literary form, in direct competition with classical forms, such as the epic. Because of this agenda, some novelists castrate, cripple, or dehumanize the figure of the scholar of antiquity, as a way of symbolically rejecting ancient genres. The primary focus is on two novels of faith and doubt by women novelists: George Eliot’s Middlemarch (1872-3), and Mary Augusta Ward’s Robert Elsmere (1888), novels which make great capital out of presenting and taming sickly, deathly, impotent, and sinister classicists.
机译:本文认为,十九世纪的主要英国小说家在与经典形式(如史诗)的直接竞争中,将小说作为主要的民族文学形式来推广。由于这个议程,一些小说家cast割,削弱或削弱古代学者的形象,以此作为象征性地拒绝古代体裁的一种方式。主要关注女性小说家的两本关于信仰和怀疑的小说:乔治·埃利奥特(George Eliot)的《中间人》(Middlemarch)(1872-3)和玛丽·奥古斯塔·沃德(Mary Augusta Ward)的罗伯特·埃尔斯米尔(Robert Elsmere)(1888),这些小说凭借展示和驯服病态,死亡,无能,和险恶的古典主义者。



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