首页> 外文期刊>International journal of circuit theory and applications >New grounded and floating memristor emulators using OTA and CDBA

New grounded and floating memristor emulators using OTA and CDBA


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In this paper, grounded and floating decremental/incremental memristor emulators have been proposed by using an operational transconductance amplifier (OTA), current differencing buffered amplifier (CDBA), and a grounded capacitor. The proposed memristor emulators are simpler in design over most of the realizations of memristor emulators available in the literature. The proposed configurations of grounded and floating decremental memristor emulators can be easily converted into grounded and floating incremental memristor emulators. The pinched hysteresis loops obtained from proposed memristor emulators are maintained up to 1-MHz frequency in both decremental and incremental configurations. Simulation results have been obtained using a Mentor Graphics Eldo simulation tool in 0.18-mu m complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology parameters. Analog filters have also been designed to verify the performance of proposed grounded and floating memristor emulators.
机译:在本文中,通过使用操作跨导放大器(OTA),电流差异缓冲放大器(CDBA)和接地电容器,提出了接地和浮动衰减/增量忆耳仿真器。所提出的映像器仿真器在文献中可用的Memristor仿真器的大部分实现方面都更简单。所提出的接地和浮动函数仿真器的配置可以容易地转换为接地和浮动增量忆阻器仿真器。从所提出的忆阻器仿真器获得的夹持滞后环在递增和增量配置中保持高达1-MHz的频率。在0.18-mu M互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)技术参数中,使用了导师图形ELDO仿真工具获得了仿真结果。模拟滤波器还被设计用于验证所提出的接地和浮动函数仿真器的性能。



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