首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management >Motivating front level employees in the services organisation: theoretical analysis and implications

Motivating front level employees in the services organisation: theoretical analysis and implications


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The front line employees are the keys to any services organisation and keeping them motivated is a decisive success factor of a well-functioned service delivery model. This study aims to decipher the front level employee motivation policies of IBIS Hotel (Excel Docklands London Branch) and its impact on the service delivery process. The study finds after the discussions with the managers of IBIS hotel and analysis of the collected data that it does not follow any structured policy to empower the employees through motivation rather they empower the employees based on their level of knowledge and expertise. Financial benefits motivate the employees mostly but this research found that only 32% employees are satisfied with the current financial and non-financial packages. Moreover, 68% employees of IBIS hotel support the fact that financial incentives help to motivate mostly whereas 32% agree with the non-financial incentives as a source of motivation. These findings do not contradict the conventional and modern theory of motivation.
机译:一线员工是任何服务组织的关键,保持他们的积极性是运作良好的服务交付模型的决定性成功因素。本研究旨在解读IBIS酒店(Excel Docklands伦敦分公司)的前级员工激励政策及其对服务提供过程的影响。在与IBIS酒店的经理进行讨论并分析所收集的数据之后,该研究发现,该报告没有遵循任何结构化的政策来通过激励来增强员工的能力,而是根据他们的知识和专业水平来增强员工的能力。财务利益是员工的主要动力,但这项研究发现,只有32%的员工对当前的财务和非财务计划感到满意。此外,IBIS酒店的68%员工支持以下事实:财务激励措施主要是激励动机,而32%的员工同意将非财务激励措施作为激励源。这些发现与传统的和现代的动机理论并不矛盾。



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