首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing >An intelligent MPEG rate control in 2.4 GHz frequency

An intelligent MPEG rate control in 2.4 GHz frequency

机译:2.4 GHz频率下的智能MPEG速率控制

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Transmitting Moving Picture Expert Group (MPEG) Variable Bit Rate (VBR) video stream over 2.4GHz wireless frequency demands a large bandwidth and may result in data loss and delay, because of excessive fluctuation in bit rate. Transmission over 2.4 GHz frequency further causes uncertainty due to interferences by other wireless devices in the same frequency band and/or common dynamic channel noises. As a result, an intelligent system has been developed for MPEG video transmission over 2.4GHz frequency band. A novel fuzzy controller automatically determines the quantization scale for each Group Of Picture (GOP) of the encoder during the transmission period. Moreover, a fuzzy controller and a neural-fuzzy controller stream the MPEG video data to conform to the current condition of dynamic wireless channel to maintain image quality during the transmission. In the intelligent system, rather than choosing the parameters associated with a given membership function arbitrarily, these parameters arc chosen as such to tailor the membership functions to the desired input/output data. The intelligent system computes and trains the system in such a way that its output will be equal to the desired value. Computer simulation results demonstrate that the proposed intelligent technique increases transmission rate and reduces data loss, excessive delay and image quality degradation as compared with a conventional video transmission over 2.4 GHz frequency band.
机译:在2.4GHz无线频率上传输运动图像专家组(MPEG)可变比特率(VBR)视频流需要较大的带宽,并且由于比特率的过度波动而可能导致数据丢失和延迟。由于在相同频带中其他无线设备的干扰和/或常见的动态信道噪声,在2.4 GHz频率上的传输进一步导致不确定性。结果,已经开发了用于在2.4GHz频带上进行MPEG视频传输的智能系统。一种新颖的模糊控制器会在传输期间自动确定编码器每个图片组(GOP)的量化比例。而且,模糊控制器和神经模糊控制器流传输MPEG视频数据以符合动态无线信道的当前条件,以在传输期间保持图像质量。在智能系统中,不是任意选择与给定隶属函数相关联的参数,而是如此选择这些参数以使隶属函数适合于期望的输入/输出数据。智能系统以这样的方式计算和训练系统,使其输出等于期望值。计算机仿真结果表明,与在2.4 GHz频带上进行常规视频传输相比,该智能技术可提高传输速率并减少数据丢失,过度延迟和图像质量下降。



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