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Improving Bhutan's academic libraries, recommendations from a situational analysis


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Abstract The author spent six months in Bhutan in 2010 at the request of the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB). Her brief was to advise how to improve the standard of the libraries of the ten constituent RUB colleges, particularly relating to library services for users. The original study investigated the current state of RUB academic libraries. Once this state was identified and evaluated, it was necessary to decide what should, and realistically could, be done to improve the constituent libraries and align them more closely to western academic libraries. Very little has been written or published about academic libraries in Bhutan. The main method utilised was situational analysis, involving the design of a rubric for identifying common factors of libraries, followed by time spent working in each library to gather information. In most libraries, this consisted of at least a week spent working with staff and assessing the library. Observation was used and recorded photographically. Also, library staff was interviewed informally, as was staff in the Office of the Vice Chancellor (OVC) of the RUB. At the conclusion of each library visit, a brief report making specific recommendations pertaining to that library was presented to the library staff member in charge; both to provide feedback prior to the final report, and to give library staff documentation to pass on to the campus Director and Dean of Academic Affairs who facilitated the visit. In addition to the brief memoranda provided to each library, a final report was presented to the OVC in a workshop setting with opportunities for stakeholders to ask questions. A more detailed report with supporting appendices was also provided to the OVC. Seven main recommendations were contained in the report with the seventh recommendation having several sub-sections relating to a number of staffing issues. This paper introduces readers to an area of academic librarianship about which little has been written or known outside of Bhutan. The descriptive analysis of Bhuta-nese academic libraries in 2010 will provide comparative data for other developing countries.
机译:摘要应不丹皇家大学(RUB)的要求,作者于2010年在不丹呆了六个月。她的简介是建议如何提高RUB十所组成学院的图书馆标准,尤其是在为用户提供图书馆服务方面。原始研究调查了RUB大学图书馆的当前状态。一旦确定并评估了这种状态,就必须决定应该采取哪些措施,切实可行地改善组成图书馆并使它们与西方学术图书馆更紧密地契合。关于不丹大学图书馆的文献很少或未发表。使用的主要方法是情境分析,包括设计用于识别图书馆共同因素的规则,然后在每个图书馆工作以收集信息。在大多数图书馆中,这至少需要花一周的时间与工作人员合作并评估图书馆。使用观察并照相记录。此外,对图书馆工作人员进行了非正式采访,对联阵副校长办公室(OVC)的工作人员也进行了采访。每次图书馆访问结束时,向负责图书馆的工作人员提交一份简短报告,提出与该图书馆有关的具体建议;既要在最终报告之前提供反馈,又要向图书馆工作人员提供文件,然后转交给负责访问的校园主任和学术事务主任。除了向每个图书馆提供的简短备忘录外,在研讨会上向OVC提交了最终报告,为利益相关者提供了提问的机会。还向OVC提供了带有支持附录的更详细的报告。报告中提出了七项主要建议,第七项建议中有一些涉及若干人员编制问题的小节。本文向读者介绍了一个学术图书馆学领域,在不丹以外很少有人写过书记或鲜为人知。 2010年对布塔讷语大学图书馆的描述性分析将为其他发展中国家提供比较数据。



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