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J.E. McAmis Completing Oregon Coast Maintenance Dredging

机译:J.E. McAmis完成俄勒冈海岸维护疏Dr

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J.E. McAmis Company is wrapping up a season of four maintenance dredging projects on the Oregon Coast and Columbia River. Using the DB Heidi Renee equipped with a 14.5-cubic-yard Cable Arm Navigation bucket and an eight-cubic-yard Anvil bucket, the dredge crew has completed three projects, with the fourth and largest project, on the Skipanon Waterway, scheduled for completion on November 7. The Marine Superintendent is Aaron Anderson; Project Manager and QC Manager is Darrell Jamieson. The contract for W9127N-16-C-0029, Oregon Coast Clamshell Maintenance Dredging 2016, was awarded to McAmis on June 22 for $2,603,000. McAmis was the low bidder of four companies bidding on the project, which is a small business setaside. The government estimate was $4,502,075.28.
机译:J.E. McAmis公司在俄勒冈海岸和哥伦比亚河结束了四个维护疏ed项目的整个季节。使用配备了14.5立方码电缆臂导航铲斗和8立方码砧铁铲斗的DB Heidi Renee,疏edge船员已经完成了Skipanon水路上的三个项目,其中第四个也是最大的项目已完成11月7日,海军陆战队司令是亚伦·安德森(Aaron Anderson);项目经理和质量控制经理是Darrell Jamieson。 W9127N-16-C-0029(俄勒冈海岸翻盖维修疏ging 2016)的合同于6月22日授予McAmis,价格为$ 2,603,000。 McAmis是四家竞标该项目的公司的低价投标者,这是一笔小生意。政府估计为4,502,075.28美元。



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