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Mechanical chest compression: an alternative in helicopter emergency medical services?


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Mechanical chest compression devices are mentioned in the current guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) as an alternative in long-lasting cardiopulmonary resuscitations (CPR) or during transport with ongoing CPR. We compared manual chest compression with mechanical devices in a rescue-helicopter-based scenario using a resuscitation manikin. Manual chest compression was compared with the mechanical devices LUCAS™ 2, AutoPulse™ and animax mono (10 series each) using the resuscitation manikin AmbuMan MegaCode Wireless, which was intubated endotracheally and controlled ventilated during the entire scenario. The scenario comprised the installation of each device, transport and loading phases, as well as a 10-min phase inside the helicopter (type BK 117). We investigated practicability as well as measured compression quality. All mechanical devices could be used readily in a BK 117 helicopter. The LUCAS 2 group was the only one that fulfilled all recommendations of the ERC (frequency 102 ± 0.1 min−1, compression depth 54 ± 3 mm, hands-off time 2.5 ± 1.6 %). Performing adequate manual chest compression was barely possible (fraction of correct compressions 21 ± 15 %). In all four groups, the total hands-off time was <10 %. Performing manual chest compressions during rescue-helicopter transport is barely possible, and only of poor quality. If rescuers are experienced, mechanical chest compression devices could be good alternatives in this situation. We found that the LUCAS 2 system complied with all recommendations of ERC guidelines, and all three tested devices worked consistently during the entire scenario.
机译:在欧洲复苏委员会(ERC)的当前指南中提到了机械式胸部按压设备,作为持久性心肺复苏(CPR)或持续进行CPR的运输过程中的替代方法。我们在使用人工呼吸复苏机的情况下,将手动胸部按压与机械设备进行了比较,以救援直升机为基础。使用人工复苏的人体模型AmbuMan MegaCode Wireless将手动胸部按压与机械设备LUCAS™2,AutoPulse™和animax mono(每个10系列)进行了比较,该设备在气管内插管并在整个场景中控制了通风。该场景包括安装每个设备,运输和装载阶段,以及在直升机内部(BK 117型)运行10分钟的阶段。我们研究了实用性以及测得的压缩质量。所有机械设备均可在BK 117直升机中轻松使用。 LUCAS 2组是唯一满足ERC所有建议(频率102±0.1min-1,压缩深度54±3mm,放手时间2.5±1.6%)的一组。几乎不可能进行足够的手动胸部按压(正确按压的分数为21±15%)。在所有四个组中,总的放手时间为<10%。在救援直升机运输期间几乎不可能进行手动胸部按压,而且质量很差。如果有经验的救援人员,在这种情况下,机械式胸部按压装置可能是不错的选择。我们发现LUCAS 2系统符合ERC指南的所有建议,并且在整个场景中,所有这三种经过测试的设备均能一致地工作。



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