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Revealing Photographs, Intimate Spaces: The Aura of Aesthetic Interiors as a Self-portrait


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Nestled on top of a bluff, Eldon House overlooks the Thames River in London, Ontario, Canada. During the last decade of the nineteenth century Milly Harris (1868-1959), the last resident of the home, carefully arranged souvenirs, bric-a-brac, and natural specimens within her bedroom. Through an idiosyncratic application of Aesthetic principles, Harris cultivated a powerful aura among her collection. The intimate space is further mediated through the act of photography. Harris's roll in the domestic decoration and the precise composition of the images speak to her artistic intentions. An examination of the discursive space surrounding the photograph and album can lead to a more nuanced understanding of the material depicted. Examining representations of the interior in the popular press and amateur domestic scenes contextualizes Harris's work. Additional meaning is accrued by placing her photographs in an album. Susan Stewart's theories about souvenirs and photography, along with Walter Benjamin's concept of object auras work together to articulate a fuller understanding of the domestic interior photographs contained in Milly Harris's album. The materiality of both photographs and nineteenth-century photo albums play a key role in revealing aspects of Harris's personality.
机译:Eldon House坐落在虚张声势之上,在加拿大安大略省伦敦市俯瞰泰晤士河。在十九世纪的最后十年,米莉·哈里斯(Milly Harris)(1868-1959)是房屋的最后一位居民,她在自己的卧室里精心安排了纪念品,小玩意儿和自然标本。通过审美原则的特质应用,哈里斯在她的收藏中培养了强大的灵气。亲密空间是通过摄影行为进一步调解的。哈里斯(Harris)的家居装饰风格和图像的精确构图充分体现了她的艺术意图。对照片和相册周围的话语空间的检查可以导致对所描绘材料的细微差别的理解。在大众媒体和业余家庭场景中检查室内装饰的表现形式,将哈里斯的作品情境化。将她的照片放在相册中会产生其他含义。苏珊·斯图尔特(Susan Stewart)的纪念品和摄影理论,以及沃尔特·本杰明(Walter Benjamin)的物体光环概念,共同构成了对米莉·哈里斯(Milly Harris)专辑中的家庭室内照片的更全面理解。照片和19世纪相册的重要性在揭示Harris的性格方面起着关键作用。



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