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The experience of the interior: outlines of an alternative anthropology


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Cultural artifacts only acquire meaning in a subjective context. This is particularly the case for the domestic interior, which since modernity has a strong link with the subjects inhabiting them. Inspired by the later work of Michel Foucault, we want to present an approach to interiors that takes into account this subjectivity, not only of the inhabitant, but also of the researcher. Using the work of anthropologist Tim Ingold, we will argue that our bodily and existential engagement with an interior environment can be considered as a valid form of scholarship. Finally, we will apply this alternative anthropology in a short analysis of a painting by Pierre Bonnard.
机译:文化人工制品仅在主观语境中获得意义。对于家庭内部而言尤其如此,因为现代性与居住它们的主体有着密切的联系。受米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)后来的工作的启发,我们希望提出一种室内设计方法,不仅要考虑居民的主观性,还要考虑研究人员的主观性。利用人类学家蒂姆·英戈尔德(Tim Ingold)的工作,我们将认为我们与身体内部环境的身体和生存互动可以被视为一种有效的奖学金形式。最后,我们将在对皮埃尔·邦纳德(Pierre Bonnard)的一幅画作的简短分析中运用这种替代人类学。



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