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Psychological, Philosophical, and Educational Criticisms of Harry Frankfurt’s Concept of and Views about “Bullshit” in Human Discourse, Discussions, and Exchanges


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Princeton University Press recently published the American moral philosopher Harry Frankfurt’s book On Bullshit, which quickly made the New York Times best seller list. Originally published in the journal Raritan in 1986, Frankfurt’s book has been heralded as an important theoretical development in the study of what he (and society) colloquially refer to as “bullshit.” Frankfurt formally defines BS as a situation where ones inclination and obligation to speak about a topic or concept far exceeds one’s knowledge of the topic, which most certainly has been a rising problem for a number of reasons over the past 20 years. However, Frankfurt’s book, which purports to be a moral victory of sorts, and despite its popularity, is not only severely flawed and outdated from an educational, cognitive, and philosophical perspective, but it is also highly oppressive in several different but very important ways. Because this book and its main arguments are being cited favorably in a number of different academic circles (including the science education community), this paper highlights the limitations and flaws of this book and develops a counter-argument and model of BS that has important implications for science, mathematics, philosophy, and educational theory and research.
机译:普林斯顿大学出版社(Princeton University Press)最近出版了美国道德哲学家哈里·法兰克福(Harry Frankfurt)的著作《胡说八道》(On Bullshit),该书迅速跻身《纽约时报》的畅销书榜单。最初于1986年在《 Raritan》杂志上发表,法兰克福的这本书被认为是对他(和社会)俗称“废话”的研究的重要理论发展。法兰克福将BS正式定义为一种情况,在这种情况下,谈论某个主题或概念的意愿和义务远远超出了对该主题的了解,这在过去20年中由于许多原因而无疑是一个日益严重的问题。然而,尽管法兰克福书很受欢迎,但它声称是种道德上的胜利,它不仅从教育,认知和哲学的角度来看存在严重缺陷和过时,而且在几种不同但非常重要的方式上也具有很高的压迫性。 。由于本书及其主要论点在许多不同的学术界(包括科学教育界)受到好评,因此本文着重强调了本书的局限性和缺陷,并提出了具有重要意义的BS反论点和模型。用于科学,数学,哲学以及教育理论和研究。



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