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The Cost of More: Psychology of Choice in Interaction Design


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There has always been a difficult balance in the amount of choice offered to consumers. Too little choice means a store may be omitting services or products important to some users (and worse still, that a competitor might include). Too much choice adds complexity with increased potential for confusing or frustrating potential purchasers. This may sound like a big enough challenge to cope with, but according to Barry Schwartz, the author of The Paradox of Choice, the difficulty I have just described is only the tip of the iceberg. While Schwartz deals primarily with choice outside the digital world, I believe that too much choice and how it is presented to users can have serious implications for the Web.
机译:在提供给消费者的选择数量上一直存在困难的平衡。太多的选择意味着商店可能会忽略对某些用户来说很重要的服务或产品(更糟糕的是,竞争对手可能会提供)。太多的选择增加了复杂性,增加了使潜在购买者感到困惑或沮丧的可能性。这听起来似乎是一个足以应付的巨大挑战,但是根据《选择的悖论》的作者巴里·施瓦茨(Barry Schwartz)的说法,我刚才描述的困难只是冰山一角。尽管Schwartz主要处理数字世界之外的选择问题,但我认为太多的选择以及如何将其呈现给用户可能会对Web产生严重影响。



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