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    Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on

  • 中文名称: 智能交通系统,IEEE事务
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  • ISSN: 1524-9050
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  • 机译 分散路线引导架构的链接旅行时间预测
    摘要:A critical problem in decentralized route guidance is to communicate anticipated congestion to individual drivers in such a way that the routes chosen are likely to be consistent with the forecast. We propose a prediction technique for decentralized route guidance architectures to identify time-dependent link travel times which when communicated to drivers leads to time-dependent fastest paths consistent with this forecast. The fixed-point property of the forecast is assured by an iterative process of traffic simulations followed by dynamic route determinations until the routes and hence the resulting dynamic link times become stable. The resulting routes yield an inherently accurate forecast of congestion as well as being user-optimal by construction. A back-dating process is utilized to insure the discovery of a stable routing after a finite and usually small number of iterations, An empirical case study based on the roadway network in Troy, MI is included.
  • 机译 评估TRANSCOM的事件和交通管理系统(TRANSMIT)
    • 作者:Niver E.;Mouskos K.C.;
    • 刊名:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • 2000年第1期
    摘要:TRANSCOM's system for managing incidents and traffic (TRANSMIT) is a traffic surveillance and incident detection system that is based on traffic probes equipped with the E-ZPass electronic toll collection tags. The evaluation has been carried out to assess its communication system performance, its incident detection capability, and the traffic-flow parameters estimation, and to identify its current and potential benefits. The TRANSMIT communication system exhibited excellent performance in terms of the transmission rates system wide. The TRANSMIT incident detection algorithm performed very favorably in comparison to the results of the best incident detection algorithms reported in the literature. The link travel time estimates were found to be within the 95% confidence interval. The system offers a unique opportunity for researchers to collect travel-time data in real time, and direct measurements of the space mean speed, as well as incident detection related data.
  • 机译 设计以人为中心的自动化:避撞系统设计的权衡
    摘要:Human-centered automation problems have multiple attributes: an attribute reflecting human goals and capabilities, and an attribute reflecting automation goals and capabilities. In the absence of a general theory of human interaction with complex systems, it is difficult to define and find a unique optimal multiattribute resolution to these competing design requirements. We develop a systematic approach to such problems using a multiattribute decomposition of human and automation goals. This paradigm uses both the satisficing decision principle which is unique to two-attribute problems, and the domination principle which is a common manifestation of the optimality principle in multiattribute domains. As applied to human-centered automation in advanced vehicle systems, the decision method identifies performance evaluations and compares the safety benefit of a system intervention against the cost to the human operator. We illustrate the method by analyzing an automated system to prevent lane departures.
  • 机译 用于车辆行驶的稳定视觉系统
    • 作者:Jin J.S.;Zhigang Zhu;
    • 刊名:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • 2000年第1期
    摘要:This paper presents a novel approach to stabilize the output of video camera installed on a moving vehicle in a rugged environment. A 2.5D interframe motion model is proposed so that the stabilization system can perform in situations where significant depth changes are present and the camera has both rotation and translation. Inertial motion filtering is proposed in order to eliminate the vibration of the video sequences with enhanced perceptual properties. The implementation of this new approach integrates four modules: pyramid-based motion detection, motion identification and 2.5D motion parameter estimation, inertial motion filtering, and affine-based motion compensation. The stabilization system can smooth unwanted vibrations or shakes of video sequences and achieve real-time speed. We test the system on IBM PC compatible machines and the experimental results show that our algorithm outperforms many algorithms which require parallel pipeline image processing machines.
  • 机译 手机位置确定及其对智能交通系统的影响
    • 作者:Yilin Zhao;
    • 刊名:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • 2000年第1期
    摘要:Research and development on the technologies of locating the mobile (wireless) phone caller have been rapidly gaining momentum around the world. Once these technologies are mature enough to be deployed, they will have significant impact on automotive telematics and modern public transit systems. In this paper, we discuss why locating mobile phones becomes a hot topic among telecommunications giants, what technologies are being studied and standardized, when we are going to see the actual deployment, and what services they may provide? We then consider its potential impact on future intelligent transportation systems, including telematics and public transit systems. Many of us have already recognized how important a role the communications systems play in modern transportation. In the near future, if every mobile phone is able to determine its location, advances in our current transportation systems become inevitable.
  • 机译 一种使用未校准摄像机估算平均行车速度的算法
    摘要:We present a novel approach to estimate traffic speed using a sequence of images from an uncalibrated camera. We assert that exact calibration is not necessary to estimate speed. Instead, we use: 1) geometric relationships inherently available in the image, 2) some common-sense assumptions that reduce the problem to a one-dimensional geometry, 3) frame differencing to isolate moving edges and track vehicles between frames, and 4) parameters from the distribution of vehicle lengths to estimate speed.
  • 机译 基于近红外现象学和模糊神经分类的乘员计数系统
  • 机译 智能车辆视觉应用和技术特刊:第一部分基础结构
    • 作者:Broggi A.;Ikeuchi K.;
    • 刊名:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • 2000年第2期
  • 机译 通过自动虚拟回路分配和基于块的方向偏向运动估计进行车辆类型识别
    摘要:This paper presents a method of automated virtual loop assignment and direction-based motion estimation. The unique features of our approach are that: 1) a number of loops are automatically assigned to each lane. The merit of doing this is that it accommodates pan-tilt-zoom actions without needing further human interaction; 2) the size of the virtual loops is much smaller for estimation accuracy; and 3) the number of virtual loops per lane is large. The motion content of each block may be weighted and the collective result offers a more reliable and robust approach in motion estimation. Comparing this with traditional inductive loop detectors, there are a number of advantages. Our simulation results indicate that the proposed method is effective in type classification.
  • 机译 交叉口的交通监控和事故检测
    摘要:We have developed an algorithm, referred to as spatio-temporal Markov random field, for traffic images at intersections. This algorithm models a tracking problem by determining the state of each pixel in an image and its transit, and how such states transit along both the x-y image axes as well as the time axes. Our algorithm is sufficiently robust to segment and track occluded vehicles at a high success rate of 93%-96%. This success has led to the development of an extendable robust event recognition system based on the hidden Markov model (HMM). The system learns various event behavior patterns of each vehicle in the HMM chains and then, using the output from the tracking system, identifies current event chains. The current system can recognize bumping, passing, and jamming. However, by including other event patterns in the training set, the system can be extended to recognize those other events, e.g., illegal U-turns or reckless driving. We have implemented this system, evaluated it using the tracking results, and demonstrated its effectiveness.
  • 机译 交通监控系统的图像分析和基于规则的推理
    摘要:The paper presents an approach for detecting vehicles in urban traffic scenes by means of rule-based reasoning on visual data. The strength of the approach is its formal separation between the low-level image processing modules and the high-level module, which provides a general-purpose knowledge-based framework for tracking vehicles in the scene. The image-processing modules extract visual data from the scene by spatio-temporal analysis during daytime, and by morphological analysis of headlights at night. The high-level module is designed as a forward chaining production rule system, working on symbolic data, i.e., vehicles and their attributes (area, pattern, direction, and others) and exploiting a set of heuristic rules tuned to urban traffic conditions. The synergy between the artificial intelligence techniques of the high-level and the low-level image analysis techniques provides the system with flexibility and robustness.
  • 机译 障碍物和行列车辆的视觉感知
    • 作者:Broggi A.;Bertozzi M.;
    • 刊名:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • 2000年第3期
    摘要:Presents the methods for sensing obstacles and vehicles implemented on the University of Parma experimental vehicle (ARGO). The ARGO project is briefly described along with its main objectives; the prototype vehicle and its functionalities are presented. The perception of the environment is performed through the processing of images acquired from the vehicle. Details about the stereo vision-based detection of generic obstacles are given, along with a measurement of the performance of the method; then a new approach for leading vehicles detection is described, relying on symmetry detection in monocular images. The paper concludes with a description of the current implementation of the control system, based on a gain scheduled controller, which allows the vehicle to follow the road or other vehicles.
  • 机译 基于立体和神经网络的行人检测
    • 作者:Zhao L.;Thorpe C.E.;
    • 刊名:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • 2000年第3期
    摘要:Pedestrian detection is essential to avoid dangerous traffic situations. We present a fast and robust algorithm for detecting pedestrians in a cluttered scene from a pair of moving cameras. This is achieved through stereo-based segmentation and neural network-based recognition. The algorithm includes three steps. First, we segment the image into sub-image object candidates using disparities discontinuity. Second, we merge and split the sub-image object candidates into sub-images that satisfy pedestrian size and shape constraints. Third, we use intensity gradients of the candidate sub-images as input to a trained neural network for pedestrian recognition. The experiments on a large number of urban street scenes demonstrate that the proposed algorithm: (1) can detect pedestrians in various poses, shapes, sizes, clothing, and occlusion status; (2) runs in real-time; and (3) is robust to illumination and background changes.
  • 机译 智能车辆视觉应用和技术特刊:第二部分-车辆[编辑]
    • 作者:Broggi A.;
    • 刊名:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • 2000年第3期
  • 机译 使用基于模型的多传感器融合同时检测车道和人行道边界
    • 作者:Ma B.;Lakshmanan S.;
    • 刊名:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • 2000年第3期
    摘要:Treats a problem arising in the design of intelligent vehicles: automated detection of lane and pavement boundaries using forward-looking optical and radar imaging sensors mounted on an automobile. In previous work, lane and pavement boundaries have always been located separately. This separate detection strategy is problematic in situations when either the optical or the radar image is too noisy. We propose a Bayesian multisensor image fusion method to solve our boundary detection problem. This method makes use of a deformable template model to globally describe the boundaries of interest. The optical and radar imaging processes are described with random field likelihoods. The multisensor fusion boundary detection problem is reformulated as a joint MAP estimation problem. However, the joint MAP estimate is intractable, as it involves the computation of a notoriously difficult normalization constant, also known as the partition function. Therefore, we settle for the so-called empirical MAP estimate, as an approximation to the true MAP estimate. Several experimental results are provided to demonstrate the efficacy of the empirical MAP estimation method in simultaneously detecting lane and pavement boundaries. Fusion of multi-modal images is not only of interest to the intelligent vehicles community, but to others as well, such as biomedicine, remote sensing, target recognition. The method presented in the paper is also applicable to image fusion problems in these other areas.
  • 机译 步行行人识别
    摘要:In previous years, many methods providing the ability to recognize rigid obstacles-sedans and trucks-have been developed. These methods provide the driver with relevant information. They are able to cope reliably with scenarios on motorways. Nevertheless, not much attention has been given to image processing approaches to increase the safety of pedestrians in urban environments. In the paper, a method for the detection, tracking, and final recognition of pedestrians crossing the moving observer's trajectory is suggested. A combination of data- and model-driven approaches is realized. The initial detection process is based on a fusion of texture analysis, model-based grouping of, most likely, the geometric features of pedestrians, and inverse-perspective mapping (binocular vision). Additionally, motion patterns of limb movements are analyzed to determine initial object-hypotheses. The tracking of the quasirigid part of the body is performed by different algorithms that have been successfully employed for the tracking of sedans, trucks, motorbikes, and pedestrians. The final classification is obtained by a temporal analysis of the walking process.
  • 机译 国家空域系统中直接使用工具的好处
    摘要:Initiatives in air traffic management both in the United States and in Europe are aimed at providing air traffic controllers with automation tools to separate traffic, meet time constraints required for traffic flow and accommodate route preferences of users such as airlines. These efforts are expected to result in removal of restrictions on users preferred routes without compromising safety. Thus, aircraft will be able to fly optimal routes such as great circle and wind-optimal routes. NASA has developed the design for a new automation tool, referred to as the direct-to tool, which advises the controller on direct time-saving routes for any aircraft irrespective of levels of equipage. In contrast to earlier studies on the potential benefits of direct routes in the National Airspace System, the objective of the paper is to evaluate the benefits based on a controller tool. The paper describes the benefits of applying this algorithm to the 20 air route traffic control centers within the United States. Benefits are measured in terms of the total time savings accrued by flying the direct route. Results are described for three different implementations dependent on the search region bounding each air route traffic control center. The first region exactly encloses the air route traffic control center airspace, the second is the smallest rectangular bounding region while the third is a bigger rectangular bounding region approximately twice as large as the second region. It is shown that the application of the direct-to routing algorithm does not significantly alter the number of conflicts and their spatial distribution compared to the case in which the aircraft fly along the airways. The results presented in the paper suggest that the direct-to routing algorithm can provide significant cost savings to the users without adversely impacting the air traffic management functions.
  • 机译 主题索引
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • 2000年第4期
  • 机译 关于空中交通管理系统的最佳合作冲突解决方案
    摘要:We consider optimal resolution of air traffic (AT) conflicts. Aircraft are assumed to cruise within a given altitude layer and are modeled as a kinematic system with constant velocity and curvature bounds. Aircraft cannot get closer to each other than a predefined safety distance. For such a system of multiple aircraft, we consider the problem of planning optimal paths among given waypoints. Necessary conditions for optimality of solutions are derived and used to devise a parametrization of possible trajectories that turns into efficient numerical solutions to the problem. Simulation results for a realistic aircraft conflict scenario are provided. A decentralized implementation of the optimal conflict resolution scheme is introduced that may allow free-flight coordination in a cooperative airspace management scheme. Impact of decentralization on performance and safety is finally discussed with the help of extensive simulations.
  • 机译 作者索引
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • 2000年第4期
  • 机译 冲突检测与解决方案建模方法综述
    • 作者:Kuchar J.K.;Yang L.C.;
    • 刊名:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • 2000年第4期
    摘要:A number of methods have been proposed to automate air traffic conflict detection and resolution (CDR), but there has been little cohesive discussion or comparative evaluation of approaches. The paper presents a survey of 68 CDR modeling methods, several of which are currently in use or under operational evaluation. A framework that articulates the basic functions of CDR is used to categorize the models. The taxonomy includes: dimensions of state information (vertical, horizontal, or three-dimensional, 3-D); method of dynamic state propagation (nominal, worst case, or probabilistic); conflict detection threshold; conflict resolution method (prescribed, optimized, force field, or manual); maneuvering dimensions (speed change, lateral, vertical, or combined manoeuvres); and management of multiple aircraft conflicts (pairwise or global). An overview of important considerations for these and other CDR functions is provided, and the current system design process is critiqued.
  • 机译 飞机冲突检测的概率方法
    • 作者:Prandini M.;Hu J.;
    • 刊名:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • 2000年第4期
    摘要:Conflict detection and resolution schemes operating at the mid-range and short-range level of the air traffic management process are discussed. Probabilistic models for predicting the aircraft position in the near-term and mid-term future are developed. Based on the mid-term prediction model, the maximum instantaneous probability of conflict is proposed as a criticality measure for two aircraft encounters. Randomized algorithms are introduced to efficiently estimate this measure of criticality and provide quantitative bounds on the level of approximation introduced. For short-term detection, approximate closed-form analytical expressions for the probability of conflict are obtained, using the short-term prediction model. Based on these expressions, an algorithm for decentralized conflict detection and resolution that generalizes potential fields methods for path planning to a probabilistic dynamic environment is proposed. The algorithms are validated using Monte Carlo simulations.


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