首页> 外文期刊>Intelligent Transport Systems, IET >Quantitative model of the driver's reaction time during daytime fog – application to a head up display-based advanced driver assistance system

Quantitative model of the driver's reaction time during daytime fog – application to a head up display-based advanced driver assistance system


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Road accidents because of fog are relatively rare but their severity is greater and the risk of pile-up is higher. However, processing the images grabbed by cameras embedded in the vehicles can restore some visibility. Tarel (2012) proposed to implement head up displays (HUD) to help drivers anticipate potential collisions by displaying dehazed images of the road scene. In the present study, three experiments have been designed to quantify the expected gain of such a system in terms of the driver's reaction time (RT). The first experiment compares the RT with and without dehazing, giving quantitative evidence that such an advanced driving assistance system (ADAS) may improve road safety. Then, based on a modified Piéron's law, a quantitative model is proposed, linking the RT to the target visibility (), which can be computed from onboard camera images. Two additional experiments have been conducted, giving evidence that the proposed RT model, computed from , is robust with respect to contextual cues, to contrast polarity and to population sample. The authors finally propose to use this predictive model to switch on/off the proposed HUD-based ADAS.
机译:由于雾而引起的道路交通事故相对较少,但其严重性更高,堆积的风险也更高。但是,处理嵌入在车辆中的摄像机所捕获的图像可以恢复一些可见性。 Tarel(2012)建议实施抬头显示器(HUD),以通过显示道路场景的模糊图像来帮助驾驶员预测潜在的碰撞。在本研究中,已设计了三个实验,以根据驾驶员的反应时间(RT)来量化此类系统的预期增益。第一个实验比较了有无除雾和不除雾的RT,提供了定量的证据,表明这种先进的驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)可以改善道路安全性。然后,基于修改后的皮隆定律,提出了一个定量模型,将RT与目标可见性()关联起来,可以从机载摄像机图像中计算出目标可见性。已经进行了两个额外的实验,证明了从所计算出的拟议的RT模型在上下文提示,对比极性和总体样本方面具有鲁棒性。作者最后建议使用此预测模型来打开/关闭所提议的基于HUD的ADAS。



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