首页> 外文期刊>Intelligent data analysis >Classification from positive and unlabeled data based on likelihood invariance for measurement

Classification from positive and unlabeled data based on likelihood invariance for measurement


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We propose novel approaches for classification from positive and unlabeled data (PUC) based on maximum likelihood principle. These are particularly suited to measurement tasks in which the class prior of the target object in each measurement is unknown and significantly different from the class prior used for training, while the likelihood function representing the observation process is invariant over the training and measurement stages. Our PUCs effectively work without estimating the class priors of the unlabeled objects. First, we present a PUC approach called Naive Likelihood PUC (NL-PUC) using the maximum likelihood principle in a nontrivial but rather straightforward manner. The extended version called Enhanced Likelihood PUC (EL-PUC) employs an algorithm iteratively improving the likelihood estimation of the positive class. This is advantageous when the availability of the labeled positive data is limited. These characteristics are demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally. Moreover, the practicality of our PUCs is demonstrated in a real application to single molecule measurement.



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