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Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry techniques for non-destructive evaluation: a review


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Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESPI) is a fast developing whole field optical technique widely used for measuring displacement components, their derivatives, surface roughness, shape and slope contours of surfaces etc. This non-contact and highly sensitive technique has developed into a powerful on line inspection tool for non-destructive evaluation. The salient feature of ESPI is its capability to display the correlation fringes in real time on a TV monitor without the need of photographic processing or optical filtering. From the very inception of its discovery in 1970s a number of optical configurations have been developed for accurate measurements and better optimisation of results in engineering and non-engineering metrology. This paper reviews the main developments in the field of Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry that have been published over the past 20-25 years. The paper is illustrated with different optical configurations and their applications such as displacement and slope measurements with extensive references. The ESPI experimental set-up and the results obtained by the authors for its engineering applications such as non-destructive evaluation of low modulus materials used for space vehicle components are presented.
机译:电子散斑干涉仪(ESPI)是一项发展迅速的全场光学技术,广泛用于测量位移分量,它们的导数,表面粗糙度,表面的形状和坡度等。这种非接触且高度灵敏的技术已经发展成为一种强大的功能。线检查工具,用于无损评估。 ESPI的显着特点是它能够在电视监视器上实时显示相关条纹,而无需进行照片处理或光学过滤。从1970年代发现以来,已经开发出了许多光学配置,用于精确测量和更好地优化工程和非工程计量学的结果。本文回顾了过去20到25年间在电子散斑图案干涉术领域中的主要发展。本文以不同的光学配置及其应用(例如具有广泛参考意义的位移和斜率测量)进行了说明。介绍了ESPI实验设置以及作者在工程应用中获得的结果,例如用于航天器部件的低模量材料的无损评估。



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