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UK aerospace sector celebrates 'phenomenal' year of business


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Orders in the UK aerospace industry rose by a third in the last year, and sales by 25%,generating nearly 10,000 new jobs, according to the Society of British Aerospace Companies. The SBAC 2006 Annual Aerospace Survey, published a week before the Farnborough Air Show, paints a glowing picture of the industry. New orders reached record levels at £30.7bn, and productivity increased by 15%, ahead of the 5% per annum long-term trend, and stemming from significant investment by companies in process improvement. Defence sales rose by 30% to £12.2bn, with civil aerospace up 18% at £10.5bn and the space sector up 38% to £603m. Sales to the UK government also rose sharply, up 21% to £4.1bn, but the industry remains less depondont on sales to the national government - at 17.8% - than either the US industry (54.3%) or the EU 2004 average of 27.2%.
机译:根据英国航空航天公司协会的数据,去年英国航空航天业的订单增长了三分之一,销售额增长了25%,创造了近10,000个新职位。在范堡罗航空展之前一周发布的SBAC 2006年度航空航天调查描绘了整个行业的光辉灿烂的景象。新订单达到创纪录的307亿英镑,生产率增长了15%,超过了每年5%的长期趋势,这得益于公司在工艺改进方面的大量投资。国防销售额增长30%,达到122亿英镑,民用航空航天业增长18%,达到105亿英镑,航天领域增长38%,达到6.03亿英镑。对英国政府的销售额也大幅增长,增长21%,达到41亿英镑,但与美国政府(54.3%)或欧盟2004年平均水平27.2相比,该行业对中央政府的销售额依存度较低,为17.8%。 %。



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