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On the normative variability of truth and logic


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This paper discusses the normativity of truth and logic. The paper has three objectives. First, I argue that logic is normative for thought in (at least) the sense of underwriting instrumental rationality. Logic is a good instrument for achieving truth, the goal of cognition. In recent work, Filippo Ferrari has argued that the normative nature of truth may vary across domains. My second aim is to extend this idea to logic, against the background of the idea that logic serves to underwrite instrumental rationality. The third objective is to further develop Ferrari's framework of normative alethic variability. I do so through a discussion of the normative problem of mixed compounds: the challenge of providing a principled account of the normativity of compounds with constituents whose respective normative profiles differ. I argue that the challenge can be met. Besides offering a solution to a major challenge, the response offered sheds new light on the normative variability framework: the truth of a single mixed compound may have different normative profiles across different 'disagreement-realizers'. This feature of the view is rooted in a key commitment of the normative variability framework - namely, that disagreement and alethic normativity are intimately connected.
机译:本文讨论了真理和逻辑的规范性。本文有三个目标。首先,我认为逻辑是思想的规范性(至少)承保的工具理性感。逻辑是实现真理的好乐器,对认知的目标。在最近的工作中,Filippo Ferrari认为,真理的规范性质可能会有所不同。我的第二个目标是将这个想法扩展到逻辑,以防止逻辑为逻辑提供辅助合理性的想法的背景。第三个目标是进一步发展法拉利的规范性含量变异性框架。我通过讨论混合化合物的规范性问题来实现:提供具有各自规范性谱不同的成分的化合物的规范性的原则性叙述的挑战。我认为可以满足挑战。除了提供对主要挑战的解决方案之外,还提供了在规范变异框架上的新光线的新光:单个混合化合物的真相可能具有不同的“分歧识别者”的不同规范性曲线。该视图的此特征植根于规范变异框架的关键承诺 - 即,有关分歧和含有含量的正规关系。



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