首页> 外文期刊>Innovative Infrastructure Solutions >GIS‑based comparative study of information value and frequency ratio method for landslide hazard zonation in a part of mid‑Himalaya in Himachal Pradesh

GIS‑based comparative study of information value and frequency ratio method for landslide hazard zonation in a part of mid‑Himalaya in Himachal Pradesh


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The road network of a developing country plays a vital role in its overall development. It is therefore important to ascertainlandslide hazard assessment along a road network. Landslide hazard zonation focuses on preparing landslide hazard map byconsidering major instability factors causing the landslides. The present study deals with geographical information systemsbasedlandslide hazard zonation of the study area. The study area comes under the mid-Himalayan region of HimachalPradesh, India. The slope failures create major havoc every year due to high frequency of landslides along the road. Eightmajor landslide-causing factors have been identified for the study area, which includes slope, relative relief, curvature, aspect,drainage density, lithology, lineament density, and land use/land cover. Corresponding to each landslide causative factor,a layer has been prepared and landslide hazard zonation maps of the study area were evolved by using frequency ratio andinformation value methods. Approximately, 75% of the total landslides which occurred in the study area were used for trainingpurpose, and remaining 25% were used for the validation of results using the area under curve technique. The developedlandslide hazard zonation maps show satisfactory agreement with the landslide inventory of the study area. The successrate curve obtained for frequency ratio method is 77.18%, and for information value method, it is 74.76%. The validation ofresult illustrates that frequency ratio method is more accurate as compared to information value method for the study area.The present study shows that geographical information system provides a better environment for modelling of the statisticaltechniques, that is, frequency ratio and information value method in the present study.



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