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Toward Data Mining Engineering: A Software Engineering Approach


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The number, variety and complexity of projects involving data mining or knowledge discovery in databases activities have increased just lately at such a pace that aspects related to their development process need to be standardized for results to be integrated, reused and interchanged in the future. Data mining projects are quickly becoming engineering projects, and current standard processes, like CR1SP-DM, need to be revisited to incorporate this engineering viewpoint. This is the central motivation of this paper that makes the point that experience gained about the software development process over almost 40 years could be reused and integrated to improve data mining processes. Consequently, this paper proposes to reuse ideas and concepts underlying the IEEE Std 1074 and ISO 12207 software engineering model processes to redefine and add to the CRISP-DM process and make it a data mining engineering standard.
机译:最近,涉及数据库活动中的数据挖掘或知识发现的项目的数量,种类和复杂性以这样一种速度增长,即与该项目开发过程相关的方面需要标准化,以便将来集成,重用和互换结果。数据挖掘项目正在迅速成为工程项目,需要重新审视当前的标准流程(例如CR1SP-DM)以纳入此工程观点。这是本文的主要动机,这表明可以将在近40年的软件开发过程中获得的经验重用和集成以改善数据挖掘过程。因此,本文提出重用IEEE Std 1074和ISO 12207软件工程模型过程的思想和概念,以重新定义和添加到CRISP-DM过程中,并使其成为数据挖掘工程标准。



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