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A Model of Search Intermediaries and Paid Referrals


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In this paper we pursue three main objectives: (1) to develop a model of an intermediated search market in which matching between consumers and firms takes place primarily via paid referrals; (2) to address the question of designing a suitable mechanism for selling referrals to firms; and (3) to characterize and analyze the firms' bidding strategies given consumers' equilibrium search behavior. To achieve these objectives we develop a two-stage model of search intermediaries in a vertically differentiated product market. In the first stage an intermediary chooses a search engine design that specifies to which extent a firm's search rank is determined by its bid and to which extent it is determined by the product offering's performance. In the second stage, based on the search engine design, competing firms place their open bids to be paid for each referral by the search engine. We find that the revenue-maximizing search engine design bases rankings on a weighted average of product performance and bid amount. Nonzero pure-strategy equilibria of the underlying discontinuous bidding game generally exist but are not robust with respect to noisy clicks in the system. We determine a unique nondegenerate mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium that is robust to noisy clicks. In this equilibrium firms of low product performance fully dissipate their rents, which are appropriated by the search intermediary and the firm with the better product. The firms' expected bid amounts are generally nonmonotonic in product performance and depend on the search engine design parameter. The intermediary's profit-maximizing design choice, by attributing a positive weight to the firms' bids, tends to obfuscate search results and reduce overall consumer surplus compared to the socially optimal design of fully transparent results ranked purely on product performance.
机译:在本文中,我们追求三个主要目标:(1)建立一个中间搜索市场模型,其中消费者和企业之间的匹配主要通过付费推荐进行。 (2)解决设计一个合适的向公司出售推荐人的机制的问题; (3)根据消费者的均衡搜索行为,刻画并分析企业的竞价策略。为了实现这些目标,我们在垂直差异化的产品市场中开发了一个两阶段的搜索中介模型。在第一阶段,中介机构选择一个搜索引擎设计,该设计指定公司的搜索排名在多大程度上由其出价决定以及在何种程度上由产品提供的绩效决定。在第二阶段中,基于搜索引擎的设计,竞争公司将针对搜索引擎的每次推荐支付公开报价。我们发现,收益最大化的搜索引擎设计基于产品性能和出价的加权平均值进行排名。潜在的不连续竞标博弈的非零纯策略平衡通常存在,但相对于系统中的嘈杂点击而言并不稳健。我们确定一个独特的非退化混合策略纳什均衡,该均衡对嘈杂的点击具有鲁棒性。在这种均衡状态下,低产品性能的公司会充分分散其租金,这是搜索中介和产品质量较好的公司所需要的。公司的预期投标金额通常在产品性能方面不是单调的,并且取决于搜索引擎的设计参数。与纯粹根据产品性能进行排名的完全透明结果的社会最优设计相比,中介机构通过对公司的投标给予积极的权重来选择利润最大化的设计,往往会混淆搜索结果并减少总体消费者剩余。



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