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Guest Editors' introduction to the special section of the 16th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2009)


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The 16th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (AP-SEC2009) was held in Penang, Malaysia during December 1-December 3, 2009. As it has been in the last decade, APSEC is the major international conference in the Asia-Pacific region for software engineering researchers and practitioners. APSEC2009 received 248 abstracts of which 209 authors submitted full papers from 31 countries across the world including 15 countries from the Asia-Pacific region, 13 from Europe, two from North and South America, and one from Africa. All papers were reviewed by the program committee members and co-reviewers from 12 different countries. We finally accepted 63 papers with an acceptance rate of 30%. The papers cover the area of requirements engineering (12 papers), software testing (12 papers), verification and validation (seven papers), software design (five papers), aspect-oriented programming (two papers), project management (four papers), software architecture (four papers), software process (four papers), software maintenance (four papers), and program analysis (four papers). We are very grateful to the authors who contributed to APSEC2009.
机译:第16届亚太软件工程会议(AP-SEC2009)于2009年12月1日至12月3日在马来西亚槟城举行。与过去十年一样,APSEC是亚太地区主要的国际会议。软件工程研究人员和从业人员。 APSEC2009收到248篇摘要,其中209位作者提交了来自全球31个国家的完整论文,其中包括亚太地区的15个国家,欧洲的13个,北美和南美的两个,非洲的一个。来自12个不同国家的计划委员会成员和共同审阅者对所有论文进行了审阅。最终我们接受了63篇论文,接受率为30%。这些论文涵盖了需求工程(12篇论文),软件测试(12篇论文),验证和确认(七篇论文),软件设计(五篇论文),面向方面的编程(两篇论文),项目管理(四篇论文)领域。 ,软件体系结构(四篇论文),软件过程(四篇论文),软件维护(四篇论文)和程序分析(四篇论文)。我们非常感谢为APSEC2009做出贡献的作者。



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