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An efficient multiple-user location-based query authentication approach for social networking


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With the increasing mobile use of social network services and the proliferation of location-aware applications, it is of interest to consider a Multiple-User Location-based Query (MULQ), which returns a group of users with k POIs based on their locations and individual preferences. Further, when the query processing is outsourced to a service provider capable of handling voluminous spatial data objects, the query authentication becomes desirable. In this paper, we index the multi-criteria POIs with MRS-tree, based on which, we propose an efficient solution to query processing and authentication. We also propose a bitmap-based dominance relationship comparison algorithm to improve the efficiency of MULQ processing and authentication. A theoretical cost analysis and experimental evaluations show that our solutions are scalable and efficient under various parameter settings. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:随着社交网络服务的移动使用的增加以及位置感知应用程序的普及,考虑使用基于多用户位置的查询(MULQ),该查询会根据一组用户的位置和k个兴趣点返回k个兴趣点,这一点很有意义。个人喜好。此外,当将查询处理外包给能够处理大量空间数据对象的服务提供商时,查询认证变得合乎需要。在本文中,我们使用MRS树索引多准则POI,在此基础上,提出了一种有效的查询处理和身份验证解决方案。我们还提出了一种基于位图的优势关系比较算法,以提高MULQ处理和认证的效率。理论成本分析和实验评估表明,在各种参数设置下,我们的解决方案都是可扩展且高效的。 (C)2019 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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