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User-Defined SWOT analysis - A change mining perspective on user-generated content

机译:用户定义的SWOT分析 - 用户生成内容的更改挖掘透视

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User-generated content (UGC) based on customer opinions and experiences has increasingly become a rich resource of business opportunities. This study proposes a change mining framework to address the key shortcomings of the traditional SWOT analysis, including subjectivity in defining factors, lack of empirical validation, inflexible to meet the changing environment, and lack of actionable steps. Product reviews were collected for several brands from Amazon.com. Consumer sentiment was calculated to build an aspect-based opinion database, followed by the application of change mining to the opinion database for different generations of products. Factors were then extracted for the four key categories of SWOT. Our approach not only answers the four key shortcomings of traditional SWOT analysis, but also offers additional opportunities, such as the ability to monitor trends, and flexibility to frame SWOT factors based on desired time periods. Further managerial insights are provided.
机译:基于客户意见和经验的用户生成的内容(UGC)越来越多地成为商机的丰富资源。 本研究提出了一种改变矿业框架,以解决传统的SWOT分析的关键缺点,包括定义因素的主观性,缺乏经验验证,符合不断变化的环境,以及缺乏可行的步骤。 产品评论是从Amazon.com的几个品牌收集的。 计算消费者情绪以构建基于宽方的意见数据库,然后在不同几代产品的意见数据库中应用更改挖掘。 然后针对四个关键类别的SWOT提取因子。 我们的方法不仅回答了传统的SWOT分析的四个关键缺点,还提供了额外的机会,例如监测趋势的能力,以及基于所需的时间段来帧框架的灵活性。 提供了进一步的管理洞察。



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