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Rolling Toward A Revolution?


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"We're trying to break the rules." That is how Michael McCreary, Vice President of Research and Advanced Development at E Ink Corp., describes the Polymer Vision Readius, which will be the first reliable flexible-display device to enter the marketplace when it launches in 2009. Polymer Vision has partnered with E Ink in the development of the Readius, which will initially serve as an e-reader device, but one that clearly will be unlike any that has preceded it. Certainly, attendees at Display Week 2008 can testify to the ground-breaking nature of the Readius. Polymer Vision showcased various prototypes of its reliable flexible display there, and it quickly became one of the most talked about demonstrations at Display Week. Audible gasps were heard as the electrophoretic screen unspooled from its case, reaching a diagonal width of nearly 5 in. The image on the screen refreshed several times, and then the screen disappeared back into its packaging.
机译:“我们正在试图打破规则。” E Ink Corp.研究和高级开发副总裁Michael McCreary就是这样描述Polymer Vision Readius的,该产品将是2009年投放市场的第一款可靠的柔性显示设备。PolymerVision已与Readius的开发中使用了E Ink,最初将其用作电子阅读器设备,但显然与之前的设备不同。当然,参加Display Week 2008的与会者可以证明Readius具有突破性的性质。 Polymer Vision在此展示了其可靠的柔性显示器的各种原型,并迅速成为Display Week上最受关注的演示之一。从电泳盒的外壳上松开时,听到了可闻的喘息声,对角线宽度达到了近5英寸。屏幕上的图像刷新了几次,然后消失在包装中。



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