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SID 2009 honors and awards nominations

机译:SID 2009荣誉和奖项提名

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On behalf of the SID Honors and Awards Committee (H&AC), I am appealing for your active participation in the nomination of deserving individuals for the various SID honors and awards. The SID Board of Directors, based on recommendations made by the H&AC, grants all the awards. These awards include five major prizes awarded to individuals, not necessarily members of SID, based upon their outstanding achievements. The Karl Ferdinand Braun prize is awarded for "Outstanding Technical Achievement in, or contribution to, Display Technology." The prize is named in honor of the German physicist and Nobel Laureate Karl Ferdinand Braun who, in 1897, invented the cathode-rat tube (CRT). Scientific and technical achievements that cover either a wide range of display technologies or the fundamental principles of a specific technology are the prime reasons for awarding this prize to a nominee.
机译:我代表SID荣誉与奖励委员会(H&AC)呼吁您积极参与各种SID荣誉与奖励的提名。 SID董事会根据H&AC的建议,授予所有奖项。这些奖项包括五项主要奖项,这些奖项是根据个人的杰出成就授予不一定是SID成员的个人。卡尔·费迪南德·布劳恩奖(Karl Ferdinand Braun)被授予“显示技术或对显示技术的杰出贡献”。该奖项以纪念德国物理学家和诺贝尔奖得主卡尔·费迪南德·布劳恩(Karl Ferdinand Braun)的名字命名,他于1897年发明了阴极鼠管(CRT)。涵盖广泛的显示技术或特定技术的基本原理的科学技术成就是将此项奖项授予提名人的主要原因。



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