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The Expanding Vision of Head-Up Displays: HUDs for Cars at Display Week 2017


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In the automotive space, head-up displays ! (HUDs) allow drivers to see information such as speedometer, tachometer, and navigation system data without having to look away from the road while driving. In a conventional windscreen HUD system, this information can be projected from a system mounted in the dash onto a windshield film that provides the appearance of the information floating outside the vehicle. Next-generation windscreen HUDs called AR (augmented-reality) HUDs will project images on the street and in the environment as we drive. These images will go beyond a simple arrow indicating an upcoming turn; they will entail a series of arrows superimposed on the street and in the lane up to the turn point as we approach. This functionality requires a dramatic increase in the field of view and optics components in order to work in a realistic and reliable fashion.
机译:在汽车领域,平视显示器! (HUD)允许驾驶员查看诸如速度表,转速表和导航系统数据之类的信息,而不必在驾驶时视线不远。在常规的挡风玻璃HUD系统中,此信息可以从仪表板上安装的系统投影到挡风玻璃膜上,从而提供漂浮在车辆外部的信息外观。称为AR(增强现实)HUD的下一代挡风玻璃HUD将在我们开车时在街道和环境中投射图像。这些图像将超出指示即将到来的转弯的简单箭头;他们将需要在街道和车道上叠加一系列箭头,直至我们接近转弯点。为了以逼真的和可靠的方式工作,此功能需要极大地增加视野和光学组件。


  • 来源
    《Information Display》 |2017年第5期|18-23|共6页
  • 作者

    Steve Sechrist;

  • 作者单位
  • 收录信息 美国《工程索引》(EI);
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  • 正文语种 eng
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