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Enhancing Electrical Safety Without Touching a Tool


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When dealing with electrical safety, the most critical points can often be missed. Much focus has been placed on wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to meet or exceed the hazard level encountered. Worker training has been placed into overdrive resulting in reduced injury severity and greater awareness of individual responsibility where exposed and energized parts and conductors are encountered. PPE is showing up in the workplace at record numbers and manufacturers are responding with innovative and cost-effective technologies. The required PPE has become not only an affordable part of even the smallest of employer's cost of doing business but also comes in varieties, colors, and options, which brings greater worker comfort and acceptance. Worker day-of-use testing, inspecting and utilizing PPE are of major importance. Too often we skip to the conclusion and deal with what is left rather than analyzing the parts and placing a greater importance on safety management instead of simple injury protection. Unfortunately, the electrical construction sector is not as convinced when and where electrical hazard awareness is appropriate and PPE required when conducting tasks such as setup or commissioning on these same systems. The line between de-energized construction and energized verification is not as hard to determine, as it is to enforce. It is in this arena the electrical inspector or inspecting engineer can have a huge effect on ensuring electrical safety without even touching a tool. Those in the inspecting role can have a much greater effectiveness in advancing electrical safety than they may realize. With a good working knowledge of standards such as NFPA 70E and CSA Z462 and understanding of design best practices and the upcoming guide IEEE P1814, Electrical Safety by Design they can set the bar and take electrical safety into arenas previously untouched. This paper will explore the awareness required, the understanding needed, and the potential impact expected by simply expressing expectations.
机译:在处理电气安全时,往往会错过最关键的要点。人们已经将很多注意力集中在穿戴合适的个人防护设备(PPE)上,以达到或超过所遇到的危险等级。对工人进行了超速驾驶培训,以降低受伤的严重程度,并在遇到裸露的,通电的零件和导体时提高对个人责任的意识。 PPE以创纪录的数量出现在工作场所中,制造商正在以创新且具有成本效益的技术做出回应。所需的个人防护装备不仅已经成为用人单位最小的经商成本中可承受的一部分,而且还具有品种,颜色和选项的选择,从而为工人带来更大的舒适感和认可度。工人的日常使用测试,检查和使用个人防护装备至关重要。我们常常跳过结论,处理剩下的内容,而不是分析零件并更加重视安全管理,而不是简单的伤害保护。不幸的是,电气建筑部门在执行诸如在同一系统上进行设置或调试之类的任务时,并没有确信何时何地具有适当的电气危险意识以及需要PPE。断电的构造和通电的验证之间的界线并不难确定,而是要执行。在这个领域中,电气检查员或检查工程师无需触摸工具即可对确保电气安全产生巨大影响。那些担任检查职务的人在提高电气安全方面可能会比他们意识到的要有效得多。凭借对NFPA 70E和CSA Z462等标准的良好运用知识,并了解设计最佳实践以及即将发布的IEEE P1814指南,《电气安全性通过设计》,他们可以树立标杆并将电气安全性带入以前从未接触过的领域。本文将通过简单地表达期望来探索所需的意识,所需的理解以及预期的潜在影响。



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