首页> 外文期刊>Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on >Model, Design, and Testing of Field Mill Sensors for Measuring Electric Fields Under High-Voltage Direct-Current Power Lines

Model, Design, and Testing of Field Mill Sensors for Measuring Electric Fields Under High-Voltage Direct-Current Power Lines


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High-voltage direct-current (HVdc) transmission lines have been implemented in many countries, including Australia, Brazil, China, and Sweden, and the safety concerns as the result of the high electromagnetic-radiation underneath the HVdc lines have garnered increased public attentions. Here, we report on the model, design, and testing of field-mill electric field sensors to measure the electric field at the ground level under the HVdc transmission lines. This study utilized a finite-element analysis method to establish numerical simulation results based on the electrical and mechanical parameters to achieve optimal designs with experimental calibrations. Afterward, these sensors were successfully tested and utilized at the national high-voltage test base.



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