首页> 外文期刊>Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on >A Modified One-Cycle-Control-Based Active Power Filter for Harmonic Compensation

A Modified One-Cycle-Control-Based Active Power Filter for Harmonic Compensation


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This paper proposes a modified one cycle control (OCC) for active power filter (APF) to compensate only harmonic components of load currents. The conventional OCC-based APF cannot differentiate between the harmonic and reactive components of load currents, which leads to the increment in device current rating because of compensation of large reactive currents besides harmonics. The reference signals of the OCC control core have been reconstructed and the associated control equations have been developed, following the control philosophy of simplicity. The modified scheme is easy to implement and only three more sensors are required for measuring load currents compared with the conventional OCC. This modified OCC guarantees the excellent performance of harmonic compensation alone and retains the advantages of the conventional OCC, such as no phase locking loop and the constant switching frequency. The feasibility and performance of the proposed OCC has been validated by experimental studies on a 5 kVA APF hardware platform developed in laboratory.
机译:本文提出了一种针对有源功率滤波器(APF)的改进型单周期控制(OCC),以仅补偿负载电流的谐波分量。传统的基于OCC的APF无法区分负载电流的谐波分量和无功分量,由于补偿了除谐波以外的大无功电流,因此导致了设备电流额定值的增加。遵循简单的控制原理,OCC控制核心的参考信号已经过重构,相关联的控制方程式也得到了开发。修改后的方案易于实现,与传统的OCC相比,仅需要三个以上的传感器即可测量负载电流。这种经过改进的OCC可以单独保证出色的谐波补偿性能,并保留了传统OCC的优点,例如没有锁相环和恒定的开关频率。通过在实验室开发的5 kVA APF硬件平台上进行的实验研究,验证了所提出OCC的可行性和性能。



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