首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics >Influence of Void Transposition Structure on the Leakage Magnetic Field and Circulating Current Loss of Stator Bars in Water-Cooled Turbo-Generators

Influence of Void Transposition Structure on the Leakage Magnetic Field and Circulating Current Loss of Stator Bars in Water-Cooled Turbo-Generators


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In the design of stator bar structure, void transposition is an important way of reducing circulating current loss in water-cooled turbo-generators. The different void transposition structures have a great influence on circulating current loss. However, the influences of void transposition structure on the leakage magnetic field and circulating current loss are not definite. A 600-MW water-cooled turbo-generator is taken as an example. A three-dimensional (3-D) physical model of transposition bars in a single slot is established, and the field-circuit coupling method is used in 3-D numerical calculation of the leakage magnetic field and circulating current loss. The influences of segment number and length of the void transposition on the slot leakage magnetic field, current, and circulating current loss are obtained. The relationship between the slot leakage magnetic field distribution along the axial direction and circulating current loss based on different void transposition structures is clarified. The numerical calculation accuracy is validated with the current test experiment. New strategies and theoretical basis will be provided for the optimal design and technology of the transposition bars.



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