首页> 外文期刊>Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on >Assessment and Optimization of the Transient Response of Proportional-Resonant Current Controllers for Distributed Power Generation Systems

Assessment and Optimization of the Transient Response of Proportional-Resonant Current Controllers for Distributed Power Generation Systems


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The increasing number of distributed power generation systems (DPGSs) is changing the traditional organization of the electrical network. An important part of these DPGSs is based on renewable energy sources. In order to guarantee an efficient integration of renewable-based generation units, grid codes must be fulfilled. Their most demanding requirements, such as low-voltage ride-through and grid support, need a really fast transient response of the power electronics devices. In this manner, the current controller speed is a key point. This paper proposes a methodology to assess and optimize the transient response of proportional-resonant current controllers. The proposed methodology is based on the study of the error signal transfer function roots by means of pole–zero plots. Optimal gains are set to achieve fast and nonoscillating transient responses, i.e., to optimize the settling time. It is proved that optimal gain selection results from a tradeoff between transients caused by reference changes and transients caused by changes at the point of common coupling. Experimental results obtained by means of a three-phase voltage source converter prototype validate the approach. Short transient times are achieved even when tests emulate very demanding realistic conditions: a $+90^{circ}$ phase-angle jump in the current reference and a “type C” voltage sag at the point of common coupling.
机译:分布式发电系统(DPGS)的数量不断增加,正在改变电网的传统组织。这些DPGS的重要组成部分是基于可再生能源。为了保证可再生能源发电单元的有效集成,必须遵守电网法规。它们最苛刻的要求(例如低压穿越和电网支持)需要功率电子设备真正快速的瞬态响应。以这种方式,当前控制器速度是关键。本文提出了一种方法来评估和优化比例谐振电流控制器的瞬态响应。所提出的方法是基于零极点图对误差信号传递函数根的研究。设置最佳增益以实现快速且无振荡的瞬态响应,即优化建立时间。事实证明,最佳增益选择源于参考变化引起的瞬变与公共耦合点变化引起的瞬变之间的折衷。通过三相电压源转换器原型获得的实验结果验证了该方法。即使在测试模拟非常苛刻的实际条件时,也可以实现较短的瞬态时间:电流基准中的相位角跃迁为+ 90 ^ {circ} $,而在公共耦合点处出现“ C型”电压骤降。



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