首页> 外文期刊>Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on >A ZVS-PWM Three-Phase Current-Fed Push–Pull DC–DC Converter

A ZVS-PWM Three-Phase Current-Fed Push–Pull DC–DC Converter


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In this paper, a ZVS-PWM three-phase current-fed push–pull dc–dc converter is proposed. When compared to single-phase topologies, the three-phase dc–dc conversion increases the power density, uses the magnetic core of the transformer more efficiently, reduces the stress on switches, and requires smaller filters since the frequency for its design is higher. The proposed converter employs an active clamping technique by connecting the primary side of the transformer to a three-phase full bridge of switches and a clamping capacitor. This circuit allows the energy from the leakage inductances to be reused, increasing the efficiency of the converter. If appropriate parameters are chosen, soft-commutation of the switches (ZVS) can also be achieved. The soft-commutation improves the efficiency even further, allows higher switching frequencies to be used, and reduces the electromagnetic interference significantly. Applications such as fuel cell systems, transportation, and uninterruptable power supplies are some examples that can benefit from the advantages presented by this converter. The theoretical analysis, a design example, and the experimental results for a prototype implementing this topology are presented. The prototype was designed to process 4 kW at full load with an input voltage of 120 V, an output voltage of 400 V, and a switching frequency of 40 kHz.
机译:本文提出了一种ZVS-PWM三相电流馈电推挽式dc-dc转换器。与单相拓扑相比,三相dc-dc转换可提高功率密度,更有效地利用变压器的磁芯,减少开关上的压力,并且由于其设计频率较高,因此需要更小的滤波器。所提出的转换器通过将变压器的初级侧连接到开关的三相全桥和钳位电容器来采用有源钳位技术。该电路允许来自漏感的能量被重新使用,从而提高了转换器的效率。如果选择合适的参数,则也可以实现开关的软交换(ZVS)。软换向甚至进一步提高了效率,允许使用更高的开关频率,并显着降低了电磁干扰。诸如燃料电池系统,运输和不间断电源之类的应用就是可以从该转换器带来的优势中受益的一些示例。给出了实现该拓扑的原型的理论分析,设计实例和实验结果。该原型设计为在满载条件下处理4 kW,输入电压为120 V,输出电压为400 V,开关频率为40 kHz。



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